People who call leveraged ETFs like SPXL a 'wealth destroyer' are just too impatient.

    Here, I simulated SPXL all the way back to 1935, because the real SPXL only started in 2008. From the log chart, the ETF seems reliable over the long term, while vastly outgrowing SPY. It 10x'es every ~18 years (ignoring dividends), so put 10k in now, and be a millionaire in 36 years. With reinvesting dividends, it's 10x every ~16 years.

    Why not do this?

    Why hold SPY, when you can hold SPXL? (That’s SPY but 3x leveraged)
    byu/Ok_Eagle8991 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Ok_Eagle8991


    1. OddOriginal6017 on

      leveraged SPY is the way to go if you can diamond hand through 50% losses, which happen every decade or so.

      you might be better off going half into SPXL and half into TLT and start buying once the recession starts. Once recession is declared, sell 5% TLT every month and buy SPXL with the proceeds until you have no more TLT left.

    2. Substantial_Meat_222 on

      Why stop at SPXL? Why not hold TQQQ? Not like it dropped 75% in 2022. Just hold long term silly.

    3. Defiant_Douche on

      Buying LETFs in bubble top frothy markets like this one is a surefire way to destroy what little wealth you have.

      You only go long on LETFs in situations like October 2022 when markets are crushed and the bottom is forming.

      But what the fuck do I know.

    4. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      I actually have been looking into this and might dca into spxl going forward. Someone mentioned volatility decay by its design but it seemed to drastically outperform spy during bull markets and massively slaughtered during bear markets. Been looking into this and maybe holding something less volatile like TLT or gold to balance it. Even thought maybe a leap put otm 50% down for every 100 shares might offer good enough protection. I have decision anxiety I can’t decide what to do! You could even do a harry brown permanent portfolio and change vti for spxl with basically the same market returns of just sitting in SPY ☠️

    5. blazing_straddles on

      How exactly did you simulate SPXL prior to 1935? Did you just 3X the daily gain/loss of the S&P?

    6. cheeseofnewmoon on

      if your backtesting is right then yea, you’re dead right. trouble is, like everything, can you psychologically handle the draw downs and feeling maybe it never recovers. i held spxl and tqqq but both as long seeing positions. i tried holding them for life in a seperate account but sold last year when they doubled from my entry. logic just didn’t have the power that worry does.

    7. Celtic_Legend on

      Why? Most brokers let you borrow 1:1 or 2:1 spy/qqq but will only let you borrow 0.5:1 for leveraged etf. Outside of the extreme bull market years (like this one), spy/qqq will out perform because you can have 100k of spy and 200k of borrowed spy vs 100k of 3x spy etc and 50k of 3x spy etf.

      And while most years margin leverage outperforms built in leverage, leveraged spy through margin is also safer. The potential returns the few years built in leverage wins on a 0.5:1 3x etf just isnt worth the long term risk for the return when compared to the returns and risks on 1:1 spy

      Tldr. Leveragd through 1:1 margin spy etf is better returns and less risk than non margined 3x spy etf

      However, its not a regarded idea. If you want to buy 3x spy etf, youre still going to “win.” Its just worse

    8. I did this and got burnt in the recent past, but it recovered a bit in the more recent past.

    9. With leverage, does it mean you can get wiped out before it goes to zero? If you can have more potential gain with same amount of capital, what is the catch?

    10. Shiz_in_my_pants on

      >Why not do this?

      I am. I’ve held UPRO (a 3x SPY etf like spxl) for four years straight now. It’s currently up 323%.

    11. Cant_Turn_Right on

      If there is a crash big enough, that might wipe out the levered ETF 100%. Think UVXY.

    12. Witty-Bear1120 on

      The convexity. You’re buying more every day the market goes up and selling every day the market goes down. So you lose in a volatile market with no direction.

      I just use portfolio margin and 3x leverage, but choose when to buy more.

    13. dude_who_could on

      My most successful period of time in the market was 50% tqqq, 20% tmf, 10% virt, 20% berk.b

    14. Humble_Increase7503 on

      Go over to tqqq

      They argue the same shit relative to Nasdaq

      Personally I agree with you and subscribe to your theory

      They’ll tell you it’s the drawdowns. They’ll tell you it’s “rebalancing”…

      I know where the math maths

    15. spanishdictlover on

      SPXL went from like $110 to $67 in October 2023. I mean yeah if you caught that bottom you did well. But if you buy now and the market tanks 10 percent you’re screwed.

    16. lancevancelives on

      I bought DFEN (3x bull military etf) during the covid sale. Sold it recently because of Boeing, but it was up like 275% over that time

      RETL post-covid did even better. Was +1800% at one point. 

    17. What would be the equivalent of this for a brother north of the border ?

      EDIT: seems like we have HSU at 2x leverage.

    18. memelordzarif on

      Oh my sweet ~~summer~~ leveraged child, I see you don’t understand the tax implications. Leveraged ETFs are rebalanced **daily** to drop out the losers and add winners. However, this causes you to pay way too much tax then you would have by holding a regular etf on a long term basis. That’s because long term capital gains ( stocks / ETFs held longer than a year ) are taxed significantly less than leveraged ETFs. More specifically, if you’re in the 37% range, you pay 20% on long term capital gains, and pay 15% if you’re in the 25% range and pay **0%** if you’re in the 10% range. This significantly reduces the tax you pay on your gains specially over the long term. As far as I know, this harms your portfolio more than it benefits. Also, I just checked and saw you get a 1.20% 30 day yield on SPY and 0% on SPXL as of right now. So with dividend reinvestment, it’ll make a lot of difference over the long term.

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