I can buy 10 contracts of NVDA for $20 000 with strike price of $142 with expiry January 2025

    What you guys think? Is NVDA going to hit $300-400 by Jan 2025? I can make a good $130 000

    First time buying options. I have a feeling NVDA is going to double by end of the year.

    Buying NVDA
    byu/Dthedoctor inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Dthedoctor


    1. TooterMcPooterr on

      You wanna drop 20k on your first time buying options?![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. ICookWithFire on

      Yeah just do it, it’ll probably get to 150 with that mentality and be worth 9T. There’s always money in the banana stand

    3. I won’t do it thanks to yall, but I’m a come back to this thread in Jan 2025 and I hope to god it didn’t hit $300 🤣

    4. BananaResearcher on

      Yes, NVIDIA will be a 10 trillion dollar company by next year, this is a good bet to make, go for it.

    5. You got it wrong. You want furthest out the money as possible with the shortest expiration date

    6. Those will probably print some tendies but it’s not going to $400 by January. If I wanted to YOLO on it I would buy deep ITM maybe $120c at least January but maybe March so you get Feb earnings in there. Not advice but I am very much long NVDA

    7. Buying $140 strike for an expiry of Jan 2025 is not even that bad an idea. The problem is with you being unrealistic with how much you will gain. You will probably make a decent profit. NVDA rising another 20% by the end of this year is not that improbable.

    8. dark_bravery on

      if you objectively read this thread, you will have everything you need to know, as why to not do this.

      we’re approaching the mania phase… or maybe we’ve been there for a while.

      take $1000 of that and buy weeklies with these other degens.

    9. crankthehandle on

      I have 140$. Do
      you guys think Nvidia will hit 1 million this year? Then I can make a good 1 million

    10. BigBritches619 on

      I wouldn’t bet on it doubling by January for you to double your investment the market cap also has to double 🤣 thats a lot of capital but what do i know all i do is lose money im better off throwing wads of cash out the window down the road that would be more fun

    11. Complex_Signature821 on

      Try Micron Calls, at the money for around December. I wouldnt recommend yoloing everything, NFA do ur own DD

    12. Buy_lose_repeat on

      If you have a feeling, then absolutely go all in with options. I don’t see any downside

    13. Bosa_McKittle on

      NVDA hitting $300-400 by January would mean it’s market cap is near $10T. I do not see that happening.

    14. SubstantialAffect835 on

      It will definitely not hit $300-400 by Jan 2025. It might hit $200 by then, which would still be amazing. You should buy 5x 6/20/25 $80c instead.

    15. tracksuit-trades on

      You’re a little late to the party now bud. I could say a lot but in short: No. You don’t want to do that.

    16. Broad-Present-8235 on

      I’ll sell you those options for 20% discount than the ongoing market price.

    17. I doubt it will hit those levels. My guess is there will be a steady and slow rise with occasional dips up to $160-180 by Q1-2025, and then all hell will break loose some time in Q2 with a 20-35% market correction, and S&P retesting lows down to 4200.

    18. blackhawk876 on

      NVDIA is going to 200 max

      At 426$ it would be worth more than the Dutch East India company…….

    19. Lumpy_Awareness_4926 on

      Guys its his first time. First one is free, we all mirror him now. Its free money ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    20. If you are asking this here, your mind is already made up. See you at Wendy’s

    21. Analyst new price target is 200$. I don’t see how this can go tits up. It’s guarantee free money.

    22. Might as well send me half now. Either way you are going to lose it, at least this way something good comes out of it.

    23. INVESTING VS SPECULATING/GAMBLING….speculate if you can AFFORD to lose the money. Otherwise, DO NOT.

    24. Disastrous_Sundae484 on

      “the highest valued company in the history of ever is going to double within the next 6 months, easy.”

    25. unknownnoname2424 on

      if bitcoin, which is basically nothing, can goto $70k, then anything is possible.

    26. thogdontcaaree on

      NVIDIA just became the most valuable company in the world and you think it can double in 6 months??? Lol

    27. Money_Ball_3396 on

      These posts are coming more and more everyday. And the more of these I read on here, the more I think it’s ppl trolling and creative fear-mongering.

    28. Don’t think it will hit that by Jan. You might be better off buying the stock cause you might lose all on that call.

    29. $6 Trillion to $8 Trillion value with $100 billion in sales. I don’t see why not.

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