The capabilities of AI is driven by computing power, models and data.

    The scale-up law of GPU as illustrated above and the thirst for more computing power to expand AI capabilities will continuously drive the needs for NVIDIA’s GPU for many more years to come until a new technology replaces the GPU’s parallel programming.

    No comment on short term correction, but long term is to the moon. As to other competitors, nay, they cannot even see NVDA’s tail lights yet.

    Posted by Sunny-Olaf


    1. Indeed. Competitors are nowhere near Nvidia.

      That’s why Broadcom, a direct competitor to Nvidia from top to bottom, has been pumping since 2023.

      Nvidia is the only AI company in the world.

      Excellent thesis, i suscribe to it and i send you my regards.

    2. Market_Mages on

      So no possibility of mismanagement, a competitor, or value already being priced in?

      Low effort.

    3. GamblingMan420 on

      I love this fallacy. My 1 year old son has gained 5 times his body weight in his first year since he was born. At this rate he will weigh a million pounds by the time he’s 20.

    4. Network gear doesn’t have the ability to improve itself.

      AI is the only tech in history that can constantly improve everything… 24/7 and eventually without human interaction.

    5. Ask around people you know, see how many love AI versus hate it. Every corporation and government got into an arms race for something no end customers want.

    6. Cisco was first with a standard technology and many competitors joined the fray: Juniper, Nortel, Extreme networks, Lucent etc.

      Nvidia is inventing technology that open new markets and competitors have been trying to catch them for 10 years.

      The only same is the slope of their ascent.

    7. TheBooneyBunes on

      I want NVDA share price to hit 4 digits again in like a few years purely to see the rerun of people thinking it’s at the top again can’t buy as it keeps going further

    8. Vegetable-Balance-53 on

      Dope analysis bro. Feeling better about growing my short position. 

    9. Can we also see multi-threaded computers? I’d love to know where the threadripper lands on this chart for comparison

    10. When the general intelligence is found. I’ll be happy to see it. As of yet it’s just LLM but in (insert shitty desk app). Or LLM but in browser. It’s cool. But it aint my fortay

    11. lostfinancialsoul on

      ok timmy, next time remember we were only suppose to use red and blue crayons

    12. Long term I am bullish – but let’s not forget a few months ago when NVDA shot to 975 intraday, then suicided 100 pts in 2 hours, and continued falling to 750 in just a few weeks.

    13. Own_Description7633 on

      Thinking the whole AI boom isn’t facilitated by regards like me and yourself, the very last to enter the pyramid scheme with your last pocket change. Who is left to invest?

    14. BillysCoinShop on

      So…do you even understand the difference between a CPU and GPU? Doesn’t seem like it, if you’re comparing some esoteric ‘computing performance’.

      Hint: it has to do with parallelization.

      Another hint: not all tasks can be pipelined into parallel tasks. So this graph is utter nonsense.

    15. s1n0d3utscht3k on

      n̵̡̪̪̫̣̜̿̊̒̓̿͌̒͘̕͝ͅo̷̢̢̧̟͍̺͚͍̠̓̂̈̂͊̊̊̀͗͘ͅͅ ̶͇̗̮͙̌̾̈́̏̎́̌̉̍͋͒̋̔̚͝S̸̫̝̟͖̝͎̫̏i̸̢͎̟͔͍̫̚G̷̢̢̛̻͚̘̭͈̫͍̤̜̯̳̗̗̀̄͌̍̅̎̽̊̋̐̕N̵̥̼̖̻̘̖̬̿̈́͛̐̀̒̑̆̇̏̐̚͝ą̴̛̼͈̬͕̯̗̱̬͍̆̈́̊̓͛̕͠L̷̛̝̝̻̳͉̥͖̦̫͇͙̞̮̬̐̈́̍̄̈́͆

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