1. It likely won’t drop for you. Your inexperience period has just started. An 18 year old with 2 years of experience is currently (statistically) a better driver than you are at 24 with no experience. There’s no magic one size fits all rule about when in the future an insurance rate may change. Nobody can tell you the future. Age is one of many rating factors and how much age is weighted into the equation that ultimately produces your premium varies from company to company. All you can ever do is keep shopping for insurance and choose the best value for what your needs are. Once you’re 25 if your current rate doesn’t go down, shop for quotes. The whole “price go down at 25” is a myth. There are no guarantees.

    2. Inner-Quail90 on

      There’s a lot of factors that make up a premium. Insurance companies typically ask you at what age you were first licensed meaning that is one of a myriad of factors they consider.

    3. “Once you turn 25” is based on the assumption you got your license at 17-18 years old. Contact an independent agent that works with multiple carriers and add any household members (aka your relatives) to your policy. Good luck

    4. You’re a bit screwed but can you give more details? My brother was in a similar situation, and got $170 full coverage

    5. whewimtired1 on

      With several years of clean driving and continuous insurance. Need to show the companies you’re responsible.

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