1. frumpydrangus on

      I asked chat GPT for the answer for today’s Wordle and it gave me the wrong answer. I’ll stick to twitter for reliable information. NVDA 📉📉

    2. Buy chinese stocks instead. They are depressed and follow the usual zigzag pattern +20% then crash.

      The only way i made money in the last 2 years.

      Important meeting next month. Fomo will set in and you can exit even before that with some gains

    3. Buddy of mine was talking all last week about how he his going to make money off NVDA when he got his paycheck. He got paid yesterday & bought calls ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    4. Careful_Pair992 on

      My plays expire today- I’m either rolling in it or broke.

      Big money comes from lulu dropping below 303. And nvda above 132


    5. wild_wild_country on

      Gotta think calls even two weeks out will print. This market has absolute regard strength…

    6. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    7. Bears acting like hot shit while we’re at lows not seen since three days ago is fucking hilarious

    8. doctor_trades on

      I’ll buy Nvidia shares when it gets to $40

      What a shit stock with no real product

    9. $2T from NVDA, $1T from MSFT and $1T from AAPL will rotate into TSLA until EOY.


    10. PlantAstronaut on

      Thank god. I couldn’t handle one more day of NVDA bulls “sToCks oNlY gO Up”
      and no, I’ve never played either side of the stock.

    11. ElTorteTooga on

      Sure hope MU has blowout earnings. Wasn’t expecting them to fall like this but yesterday someone said they always fall before their earnings. Maybe that will increase the chance they’ll go up after the release.

    12. FreeEuropeYouCunts on

      Crazy how we imagined XLK would be buying 10B of nvda at a price anywhere near the ATH and didn’t choose this date after some planning.

    13. It’s like everyone forgot AAPL went up $13 in a single day a few weeks ago ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    14. AAPL is at least up. Traders are rotating from NVDA into AAPL because of the XLK thing possibly? Also one is just really overvalued.

    15. The thing is even when the opportunities present when the markets *should* retreat bears have been unable to follow through with any conviction. Will see with PMI and the quadruple hour or whatever today

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