Bought in on the NVDA hype train for my first time buying options.

    Saw a few comments here saying “it just keeps going up” and had to buy in.

    Am I cooked or is this what you guys call a correction? Does that mean it will go back up?

    Am I what you might call a regard?

    Posted by NoWayIJustDidThat


    1. cerebral-decay on

      first time buying calls and you expected Nvidia to hit $150 by next week? 💀

    2. Imagine if the split hadn’t happened. Would you still have taken these out thinking it was going to his 1500 a share?

    3. Your dates make no sense given the strikes
      The 135 is far enough out where it has a chance

    4. Bright_Interaction73 on

      Serious question, why not just go all on red if your betting in completely one direction? Oh wait you are all on red ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    5. iAmAusernAme0 on

      Bro sell that shit NVIDIA is not hitting 150 by next week, there is massive sell off and almost everything is down.

      Seriously though, If you do plan on options trading be realistic and buy way further out with a more reasonable strike price so bad days don’t dump your entire investment. Options can be quick money but those who buy further out and their options gains every day beforehand are the early birds that make the most. I bought 0dte expiration puts and sold the second it made a profit for the easiest 300$ of my life, since it was pretty obvious it would be red day. I’d start putting options you’d think are reasonable and put them on a watch list or paper trade them for some practice before actual buying. The 7/19 call ain’t too bad and that could actually make a lot but if one day is enough to scare you I wouldn’t recommend options.

    6. Heckinghannibal on

      I did this exact thing on Monday and posted everyone laughed so I sold at 50% loss. Later in week all my calls would have made money. Fuck these regards ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    7. Bro you’re more cooked than the 500 Wendy’s Hamburgers I just made on my first shift.

    8. slipperynibs on

      It’ll bounce back above this but I would sell as soon as that last flicker of green happens.

      Youre pretty much cooked though.

    9. BartholinWaterBender on

      To answer your last question in the post, yes you are easily a regard for this play alone.

      Then I started to read more of your comment responses and you sir might just be one of the most regarded regards I have ever seen.


    10. Ok_Economics_2466 on

      Don’t feel bad I bought 6/28 155 calls about 7 minutes before it plummeted

    11. Solid_Direction_8929 on

      Keep averging down was what I did first time I bought options 4 years ago.

      I now work at Wendy’s.

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