
    Posted by PeterJP101


    1. Felonious_Drumpf on

      Gotta ride hype train forever. There’s no going back. Nvidia will destroy all those that stand in it’s way.

    2. As long as the post isnt “will nvda hit X by noon tomorrow?” Or “should i sell?” Im ok with it

    3. leli_manning on

      It’s been down the past 2 days. Should I panic sell now and buy back in after it goes back up?

    4. Diesel__2005 on

      My classmate was viewing this sub for half an hour and later stopped saying too much nvidia porn💀😭

    5. Penny-Pinscher on

      How else are we supposed to know when it’s peaked if people aren’t m making 100 posts a minute about it?

    6. I just wanna say, I bought on Monday. So if anyone lost money. I am sorry.

      This is the 4th time I buy stock and goes down. Wood, Cramer, here I come!!!

    7. Vegetable-Body-7044 on

      Sorry guys it fell because I almost bought two calls for 144 yesterdayi figured

    8. Endgameplays on

      yea this is worse than tesla ever was.

      People who own tesla or made nice trades on it just HAVE to talk about NVDA even though they have fuck all nothing to say about it. Its beyond dumb.

      its like that kid who beat one video game so he never plays any other game cause he feels so good having beaten the first game, he just wants to play that game over and over again.

    9. YamahaFourFifty on

      I love seeing the NVDA options traders crying cause they may lose from gambling

      Loss porn is real

    10. ConsiderationKey1658 on

      I bought 0.000785426 shares yesterday and now it’s down should I sell?

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