Why even rely on this company fir spacecraft when they couldn’t even get airplanes right. I am praying for their life now.


    Posted by notyourregularninja


    1. I’m guessing they were the lowest bidder and NASA had to use at least one contractor other than SpaceX.

    2. I mean, it shows you how they work when you read the last part regarding past attempts: […] After more reviews last year, the company had to fix issues with the capsule’s parachutes and **remove around a mile (1.6 kilometers) of tape that was found to be flammable**.

    3. I remember reading in one of the stories that happened right after launch how proud one of the Boeing executives was with the flawless launch and all the shoulder patting he was doing. 

      Only minutes later the thing started literally falling apart. 

      Hopefully the space station has a nice cocktail lounge. They might be taking zero g dumps for a while up there.

    4. SavannahCalhounSq on

      I sure hope Elons got a ship ready to fly a rescue mission. Time to break Boeing up into a million little pieces. Maybe they can make e-Bikes and e-scooters or something less complicated than airplanes and spaceships.

    5. JennyAndTheBets1 on

      “ShArEhOlDeR vAlUe!&$!” AKA they milked the contract and awards for everything that they could knowing that NASA couldn’t justify starting over with someone else.

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