Boeing hasn't even had posted positive earnings since 2018. The company might file bankruptcy and liquidate. Shareholders will be left with their dick in their hands. This is why you should short Boeing' stock. The stock has gone down more YTD than SQQQ.

    Boeing CEO slammed in heated US Senate hearing over failures
    byu/AdventurousGood5214 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by AdventurousGood5214


    1. NY_State-a-Mind on

      Boeing makes a lot of crazy s##t for the military, theres no way the US gov. would ever let it go bankrupt

    2. wtf is daily sabah ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. Error_404_403 on

      This is the only company in the US making civilian aircraft. If they quit, who will?

    4. Shiz_in_my_pants on

      >Shareholders will be left with their dick in their hands

      “*Shareholder with his dick in his hand*” could be an interesting WSB user flair

    5. He’ll dry his tears with his 100 dollar bills. Man I’d love to have the “get yelled at by congress every 5 years and make half a bil per year” job.

    6. Maybe, but they have a completely reliable spaceship that’s not totally stuck to the space station right now. To the moon 🚀

    7. throwawayyuuuu1 on

      Imagine thinking boeing would file for bankruptcy. They’re a top 3 defense contractor. Lol.


      Yeah, thats not going to happen.

      Starliner just launched.

      Boeings only real competitor is Airbus.

      They aren’t going anywhere.

    9. InterstellarReddit on

      Oh no they’re really going to come down on them? This has been like the sixth time in history they’ve done something like this.

      I’m sure this is the one where they slap the $6 fine on them

    10. Legitimate_Doctor_10 on

      Bro thinks 1 of 2 of the biggest aerospace companies is going bankrupt. United States would never let that happen ! Printer goes brrre

    11. Intelligent_Cat_6208 on

      Sounds like they are fudding it so they can all buy in cheaper before they start drafting us for ww3

    12. “Slammed”

      Yep that’s about as harsh as the consequences will get.

      Back to business. I mean to the back nine….

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