Nancy/Mrs. Pelosi has constantly been able to yield very positive gains from her stock endeavors. She’s gotta be a pretty, smart lady to be able to do so well. But I personally would like to know the methods that she uses to obtain these gains. Any clues and hints that could be used would be helpful in achieving my goals. I would also want to know if her attractiveness is somehow involved in her stock gaining tactics.

    Posted by DueAd8568


    1. NSFW ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    2. LethargicBatOnRoof on

      She’s like 80 bro so all I’m gonna say is those teeth probably come out.

      OP is looking for a Jim Carrey Yes Man situation.

    3. OkImpression4818 on

      Is this satire? I’m more concerned with the fact that you so naively believe she’s not just flagrantly insider-trading than I am with your attraction.

    4. She does carry around some serious man hands if anyone has noticed. You do you

    5. Because she has inside knowledge and if she was Martha Stewart she would be in prison for the next 1000 years of her life

    6. politisaurus_rex on

      It’s all her husband. He owned a venture capital firm. People just say she made X amount because she a political lightning rod and it gets views

    7. ElChuloPicante on

      I wonder how many holes she has, with the decomposition being where it is.

    8. Infamous-Safety4632 on

      Nancy is a gamer. If Fred trump insisted Donnie did what Nancy did he would be a REAL billionaire.

      And he wouldn’t have to sell discount steaks, license his name for board games on tall buildings.
      Should have had a Romney type
      Remember those days? Remember when conservatives Never mind. It’ll go over the heads of those folks who think the system is on their side. I’m going to listen to money for nothing by the dire straits now. Get rich and brag about jacking off to whatever’s the hot shit in this sub. Light what’s left of your candle, there’s a world of affirmation waiting for ya.

    9. brutalpancake on

      She just buys ITM LEAPS on big tech stocks and diamond hands them. Granted she probably has all kinda insider shit on why it’s a good idea to do that. But that’s basically the whole strategy.

    10. potrillo2124 on

      Honesty transparency and having no conflicts of interest because she purely represents the people of the United States of America.

    11. IceSpicePantySniffa on

      She doesn’t purchase them herself, she has a team of financial advisors and investors who do it all for her; they research and take market leads, also a lot of insider trading.

    12. TheChoosingBeggar on

      Only one of these is a good question and I’ll leave you to ponder as to to which one I’m referring.

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