I was rear-ended on June 4th by a girl who was texting and driving. I was stopped at a red light and the car just came up and hit me from behind. She offered me to take a picture of her insurance card and call it a day but I always have believed it is best to call the police so that I can get a written report.

    Police come, she admits that it was her fault (documented in the police report) and we both drive away. the officer tells me that the police report will be available in a few days.

    In exactly one week I go to the police station and obtain the report. I contact my insurance to make them aware that I was involved and not at fault and then I contact her insurance which is AAA.

    I am told that this was not reported to the insurance company by their insured so I have to wait until they are able to make contact with their insured.

    A week goes by and I hear nothing. I call the person who is to be taking care of my claim, and she tells me that they still have not been able to get into contact with their insured for them to admit fault. They also tell me that they themselves requested a copy of the police report and had just received it that day.

    At this point I just want to get my car fixed. AAA tells me that I have to wait until July 26th (5 weeks from now; nearly 2 months from the incident) and if they haven't heard from their insured then they can proceed with the process to help me get my car fixed.

    Why do I need to wait nearly two months from the time the incident happened to get my car fixed. They have the police report in hand and that should be all that is needed to see that their insured was at fault. They are claiming that they cannot do anything until July 26th as it is company policy.

    I travel very often for work and over the next three weeks I will be home so it would be the perfect time to get it fixed now rather than in a month when I have 4 back-to-back trips planned for work where I will be in different corners of the country.

    Curious if anyone has ever had this issue with AAA or any other auto providers.
    byu/JawnAccountant inInsurance

    Posted by JawnAccountant

    1 Comment

    1. I believe it’s because they need to confirm with their customer. You aren’t the customer. Why not just go through your own carrier?

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