Imagine betting against America

    Posted by InternationalTop2410


    1. The machines that make Nvidia GPU possible was invented and are made in Europe by ASML…

    2. Longjumping_Daikon70 on

      American monopolies need to be regulated but EU has taken things to a whole new level.

    3. Super-Government6796 on

      I hate those new bottle caps, I realized I’m old because I started to hate change from the moment I first came into contact with them xd

    4. muppet0o0theory on

      I’d argue the innovation of taking a month off in the summer is at least as mind blowing as AI. I’ve got clients in Sweden and their just about to peace out for the entire month of July. They were like “don’t call or email us, we don’t care what happens”. Sick as hell.

    5. Honestly I hate those caps. Always get in the way of me drinking the damn thing.

    6. One_Pilot2839 on

      You know you struck a nerve when the Europeans bring up healthcare or gun control out of nowhere

    7. MasterJeebus on

      Jensen is gonna fuck all of us while wearing his leather jacket. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    8. Good luck building that without EUV lithography from the Dutch (EU) company ASML. More than ten years ahead in research and development.

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