1. Routine-Material629 on

      I just kind of keep track of the news and then make plays off of that, ya know?

    2. Step 1: Think of a logically constructed trade
      Step 2: open your broker
      Step 3: do the exact opposite of what you thought of

    3. put it all on black until it turns red ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. Buffetjunior on

      If you want steady gains, not huge, but decent, look at spy options a couple months out that are in the money. I’ve been doing this since January and started with $3600, now just over 40k. Not a huge win, but at least it’s positive

    5. ZealousThrowaway1789 on

      Know when to hold ‘em. No when to fold ‘em.

      Same principle at the casino as here in this unwoke mint.

    6. Low-Union6249 on

      1. Don’t buy on vibes or what other people say. Buy within a small space that you know a lot about. For instance, I do almost exclusively commodities futures, and only a few commodities.

      2. Set a limit, stay within it. Don’t develop a gambling addiction.

      3. Stash away some of your winnings and let it sit in some boring, less volatile funds.

      4. Sometimes there are no good trades. Don’t lower your standards. Wait for a good opportunity.

      5. If you know what you’re talking about and the trade is good, then even if it doesn’t work out you should be able to say in retrospect that it was a good trade and worth the risk based on the information you had.

    7. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      In my retirement account I just buy VOO and I’m up 24% in one year doing nothing.

      In my taxable I tinker and try to market time/play with options and I’m up 8% mostly TLT undersized gains after buying the dip and getting interest, listening to cpi and fed meetings mostly. Gold was also a great play but that’s my savings for when I’m old and need to die with a treasure map, yar!

    8. Pessimistic93 on

      Write credit spreads or csps at a range where Id be willing to buy calls. Then buy 1-2mte calls if they hit but nothing fundamentally changed about the market. I do this using the margin available from holding a dividend etf.

      This is basically just tracking the market with some extra risk/leverage, nothing proprietary or new.

    9. You want to come up with a thesis where the market thinks X and you think Y, the mispricing means that you can make 5:1 instead of 0.5:1, and you need to survive until the thesis materialises.

      Like let’s say you think Nvidia will buy company A. Market believes the probably is zero. The stock price of company A will not price in your thesis is Nvidia purchasing it. Is it worthwhile to buy company A? Maybe – what price do you think Nvidia will pay. Will they pay 10% premium to today’s closing price or 50%? If 50%, maybe it makes sense to buy calls in A or shares of A while buying puts and shorting calls above your expected purchase price. If 10%, well SPY is up 15% so it might not be over your hurdle rate

    10. Rule of wsb:

      1. If Cramer says buy, you sell.

      2. If WSB says buy, you’re already too late.

      3. If position is good for posting, it is good for sell.

    11. presidentelectrick on

      Personally, I swing trading companies that makes products or services that everybody uses (AMD, AMZN, MSFT, etc).

      I buy shit that precipitously drops due to unknown reasons or the most ridiculous reasons (algos mainly). Typically I target things down 3% in a day. I do not hold for long. Just enough to see it get close to back to that 3%.

      DO NOT let the dollar amount scare you. When I was trading $100k and was up 1% in a day, or $1,000 I was pretty happy. Now, with my portfolio, 1% is a scary dollar value, but still only 1%.

      Plan your trade and trade your plan. DO NOT GET EMOTIONAL!

    12. mycatlikesluffas on

      Buy dips on ascending squiggly lines.

      Sell if it goes up a lot, sell if it goes down a little.

      Always pump your picks on national TV if you have the option.

      -Mark M.

    13. BrockDiggles on

      It’s easy to make money in a bull market. It’s also even easier to lose money in any market if you’re greedy.

      I always try to remember the trading advice my dad gave me: Pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered.

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