1. Warm_Tzatziki on

      Anyone having an eye on PBF? Heavy institutions buys after a huge drop in value. Last time they did this they timed the bottom perfectly beginning this year and it mooned.

      Will have a closer look tomorrow, but looks interesting *

    2. Recyclenothrowaway9 on

      People say “If it’s a bubble, why aren’t we seeing a ton of shitty IPOs like the Dot Com bubble?”. Maybe because it costs millions of dollars to train an LLM on par with Chatgpt while literally any goober could whip up a website for free in 2000![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    3. SWITZERLAND CHOKED ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    4. AdCritical5383 on

      Ahh yes, I see. The ol’ cleveland steamer move. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|51295)

    5. heizenbergbb on

      Watching some WNBA due to having money on Caitlin Clark and damn this is some bad basketball lol. Like why are they fundamentally so bad at the game? When you come watch women’s tennis they obviously can’t run as fast or hit as hard but they look competent at what they’re doing.

    6. NineAsiansAtSubway on

      I need a high dividend stock that won’t lose principal to park 1.2 mil once NVDA hits 10T

    7. Local Wendy’s just shutdown, not sure if the local economy is bad or just fast food with higher minimum wages

    8. WhiteColllarCrime_69 on




    9. Logical-Dust9445 on

      SPWR having 64% short interest and 99% CTB is going to make this week very interesting.

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