Corporate Insiders placed Informative Sells of Shares Worth $308.2M in the Last 3 Months.

    This is something to keep an eye on if you trying to buy options in the company.

    Will the sell off continue so they can actually buy the dip ?

    Posted by Androcles_InTheSky


    1. $308.2m in 3 months, vs the $65 BILLION on friday alone.
      I don’t think the insider sales have any effect

    2. When could insiders in any company sell shares and not have it be considered bearish?  Ever?  Do they have to hold till they’re 99 and then donate their portfolio to charity posthumously?

    3. intelligentx5 on

      Insiders cannot just sell shares whenever they want. There are precise windows and they just go through legal to do so. The windows are also VERY small. And in the case that your position has visibility into any news during that window, your trades will be denied.

      E*Trade, for example will not let you sell if you are an insider until certain checks and approvals are in place. (Given your company puts the right controls for insider management in place, which most large enterprises do)

      Speaking as an insider at a major public tech company myself. They have these transactions in place well ahead of time and approved by legal. So they’re not necessarily able to sell whenever the hell they want. Or react to the market, at all really.

    4. Oh my god a whole $308M? In a $3T company? That’s a whole 0.0001% of the entire value of the company!

      Buying $60 FD puts tomorrow

    5. CEO sells $700,000,000 less than 1% of his holdings. That’s not even taking a foot off the ride. 🚀🌕🚀🌕 incoming!

    6. Those insider sales were put in place months ago. Nothing to be scared of. I believe they timed it inline with the split to have the least impact on stock price.

    7. Insider selling isn’t that reliable. High ranking Insider buying is a good signal i thinn

    8. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Probably because NVDA has been higher than it ever has in history, let alone in years.

    9. No shit, when your company hits “worlds most valuable company” it’s the time to sell.

      Half the fucking company is going to checkout, why wouldn’t they? They won the lottery.

    10. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      Bears, if you want to look smart, at least make this chart nicer with easy to understand legend

    11. Holding my two nvidia stonks until i can sell them to buy a new gpu or 4k oled monitor

    12. lostfinancialsoul on

      it doesnt seem that odd if in general there is a sell off for some time overall. People, funds, et cetera all probably expect the next Q release to be fire

    13. ChipsAhoy777 on

      I don’t know shit about shit, but 300 million for a stock whos market cap is 3 trillion seems completely insignificant.

    14. Yeah, yeah. Your Puts are toast. You had your 2 days when MMs were dumping hard to defend the monthly calls. Now they will have to cover.

    15. One of my best friends started at zoom in 2018. Got a bunch of stock options. Covid hit. Zoom to moon. Sold a bunch. Monke rich.

      Very jealous.

      Anyways, this comes as no surprise.

    16. Insiders sell for a lot of reasons, but they only buy for one – some dude on reddit

    17. ShowerFriendly9059 on

      Locking in gains is only controversial to WSB.

      The real world makes money off their investments

    18. Deep_Worldliness3122 on

      And why wouldn’t they lock in this massive windfall? In other news water is wet.

    19. All i know for sure people will win and people will lose. That’s the market. Which will it for you is for you to decide……we will find out in time

    20. undecidedmarketmaker on

      Doing some napkin math with some ballpark vested employee stock grants, much more than this has been sold by regular employees who have vested. Heck some IC4 who joined in 2018 has what $10M on the low end with refreshers? Can’t imagine these folks are holding anymore

    21. AcanthaceaeFluffy985 on

      I’m sure they’ve waited the mandatory holding period and would like to catch some gains like their bosses got form the get go. No harm in that. Don’t be surprised if most only sold half of their initial shares and then reinvest at least a quarter of this take in more shares

    22. katebushthought on

      I think maybe because they want to use some of that money they’ve been making?

    23. If I was working my current job but for Nvidia and my share save account went into the millions, damn right I’d be selling. If they time their bonus/share period the same as a lot of businesses, this is vesting time just now. Understandable staff are cashing in.

      I bet the Nvidia head office car park is a car spotters wet dream. Even the receptionists will be turning up in Lambos.

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