Apple, Meta have discussed an AI partnership

    Posted by Mister_Lonely_


    1. Good job, just discuss yourself into oblivion with that shit ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. steppinrazor2009 on

      TBH the new LLAMA versions are far superior to ChatGPT by a good bit, with the bonus of handling MultiModal and contextual input MUCH better. Would actually be a smart play for Apple IMO while possibly loosening some of the restrictions Apple puts on Meta data collection.

    3. i hate ai and the future of it freaks me the fuck out, but i’m just trying to make enough $$$ off of it to go hide away somewhere the robots won’t bother me as much 

    4. GraceBoorFan on

      The last time Apple announced a partnership with another mega cap, the stock jumped 4%… wish I had META calls right now ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    5. Party_Government8579 on

      Apple are notorious to have so much capital, they don’t know what to do with it. Why aren’t they punping it into an AI competitor

    6. Zuck – We can give you access to our AI, if you relax your privacy policy so we can get your customer’s data.

      Cook – That sounds interesting. Can I put you on hold? Sam Altman is calling me

    7. Scared_Eggplant_8266 on

      They got left out of Microsoft/OpenAI. Apple has to lease AI from them now.

    8. Bulky_Negotiation850 on

      If AAPL wants a partnership it just tells how far behind they really are.

    9. The only reason i support Ai is because it is going to end male lonliness. Andrew Tate was right, Ai will not scream at you when you accidentally watch the younger sister Ai take a shower you know? Its gonna be a game changer.

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