Cute of them to think Jensen gives a fuck about your petty politics. “On first principles, we’re a company created for business”, he said in some regarded Q/A a couple months ago when the gheys were raving about the China ban.

    On a serious note, he has to be doing this after some sort of green light from the White House.

    So business as usual starting tonight in the market as well with NVDA. Got the little break/cooldown/consolidation/spinach dip — whatever other horoscopic shit you wanna call it, Thursday and Friday.

    The selloff was prompted by no bad news, and now we’ve received bullish news before the week even starts — I imagine Jensen will hype Blackwell up with a cool update or two during the iNvEsToR’S meeting (regards) as well.

    Must’ve forgotten there’s an election in 4 months. Ban-shpan, who cares.

    Positions: fuck ton of leaps that I didn’t even consider selling last week

    NVDA to Launch in Middle East amid US Curbs to AI Exports in the Region
    byu/slam-dunk-1 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by slam-dunk-1


    1. cockNballs222 on

      Remember how Jensen was mentioning interest from sovereign states on the last call, my mind went straight to the Middle East, this is just the start

    2. It’s for a 20-25 megawatt extension, which tbh is priced in peanuts.

      Wouldn’t be surprising if this deal involves the less powerful A800 or h800 series chips that were designed to avoid export restrictions to China but got also banned in last October.

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