With recent talks about over valuation, I think we need a correction. The correction needs to happen internally within your minds. I'm a 90s kid who grew up with alot of love of technology my father was a computer professor and growing up I've seen the hype when my dad got his first Pentium processor from Intel and Intel seemed to be like a logo you'd see in a sci-fi movie. Years later when I built my first computer I got my first Nvidia gaming card and a friend of mine got a AMD card. We were young and worked on a farm for the summer for the cash. A few years later he could no longer run any of the games coming out and I had no issues what so ever.

    This trend had continued into our uni years until he finally let me help him build a computer and we got a 1080TI. It is 2024 now? He still uses this computer.

    Nvidias valuation with the growth market isn't a sudden phenomenon, it's a developed plan and now all these enterprise and major corporations will now be in that same eco system. This eco system doesn't die, it doesn't just become redudnent by competition. This is decades of running head first at innovation before the competition even thought about it. No one is catching up and no one is going to see another company integrate into every single aspect of your lives in the coming years.

    Recent developments in the middle east mean big things that most likely will lead this into another frenzy, if think the west has money we are in for a big surprise.

    This is that sci-fi company, seeing that green sticker on my monitors and hardware has legit given me peace of mind. This isn't going to change.

    Good luck I'm not from the future.

    byu/Komi— inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Komi—


    1. BuySlySellSlow on

      Retail and institutional investors will be piling back in this coming week. Even better for NVDA if MU posts good numbers for earnings this week.

    2. Agile_Letterhead_556 on

      So your point is that Nvidia isn’t going anywhere? I don’t think anybody is arguing that Nvidia is going to be bankrupt any time soon. The market is pricing in YoY doubling of its revenues and holding high 70+% margins. If there is even one quarter where Nvidia trips up, and big orders are canceled, their stock will tumble hard. Nvidia will continue to be leader for years to come and is going nowhere (obviously).

    3. ‘We were young and worked on a farm in Bulgaria for the summer for the cash..’

    4. Well let’s not forget nvda was 77$ 2 months ago .. so anything can happen a big shake out is possible

    5. WhaleSmacker17 on

      Thanks for the heartfelt perspective OP. This was almost enough to get me to buy puts.

    6. OllieDodle325 on

      Hear me out. We convince the Ape’s to hop off that one stock and into nvidia. Then…wait, nvm that won’t work. The furry kitty would attack.

    7. Father was a computer professor so he must be correct ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    8. Thickus__Dickus on

      The question we need to be asking is: are the ghey bers early or not. Because I love them to be early

    9. Few-Assistant6392 on

      The market has really gotten bizarre over the decades. Hype and memes do affect the short term value, so much so that many forget what true value is.

      Nvidia is valuable, they are not a new kid on the block, it’s just the value they now offer is beyond a better gaming experience. It probably is overvalued, but by how much? It might be good to cash in for those who want to enjoy their fruit juice. If later on, the mob thinks it’s worthless, grab some then.

      As far as changing minds, I think the awareness that there are different styles, with different tactics. Those who are day trading, those following the advice, and some who are only focusing on the long game. If someone else’s style doesn’t make sense, just know it’s part of the economic ecosystem, which grows more diverse and complex as the natural ecosystem does the opposite.

    10. People need to also realize that stock price and company performance can get out of whack. The vast majority of corrections are just fixing that and are usually resolved quickly, but epic corrections can take a long long time to recover from.

      go look at MSFT in 2000, 2008, 2012, 2014, and then on from there. You will see there was something like an 14 year stretch from the peak in 2000 until it recovered in 2014. That would suck for shareholders. However I think the company itself was just fine all those years. In fact if you had held from 2000 until now a $1000 investment would be worth around $25,000. So its not all bad, but if you needed you $1,000 back from 2000 all the way to 2014 you would have come up short.

      Im not saying that will definitely happen to NVDA, but its something everyone should realize can happen. Dont risk money you need in the next few years.

    11. unknownpanda121 on

      Calling for a correction after it’s dropped 10%.

      Easy now Nostradamus. Where were you when it was climbing 3% a day?

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