This is my official month mark when I began my turn around. Every day since the start of this month period I have only had 2 red days…. Very red days though -2000$ each of the 2 days. But EVERY other day has been green or VERY green. Today I just sold up 1500$…60% of my port this morning. (Let the good times rooooooll)
    The reason this looks so steady is iv been pulling out gains throughout the way and only holding 2-4k at a time. And only losing half my port at a time max each day.
    This marks a big turn around for me as iv broken even on my 5 year mark by 300$ so FUCK YES this month has been legit. SPY AAPL NVIDIA calls and puts all based on guts zero logic I AM REGARDED.
    Anyone who says math doesn’t add up is dumb as shit, please read when I say I have been withdrawing gains as I go. Example this morning I started with 4.5k. Deposited 2k and gambled with the other 2.5k. Now I have 4… do it again tomorrow? Let’s try!!

    Posted by IntroductionWeak244


    1. Sitting_in_a_tree_ on

      Sell ! get out & bury your hoard of gold under your house. Stop reading this sub.. Do not tarry, Go now!

    2. RedditIsHomosexual69 on

      Aye I bet it feels good to break even. Don’t get too greedy and keep up the good work

    3. OP celebrating breaking even after 5 years, can’t wait for the “shit I blew it all in 2 days” post ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. Can I copy what you’re doing? What I’m doing is kind of opposite of that, unfortunately.

    5. CreateDeprivation on

      Would have had bigger gains by holding bonds from the start ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    6. Same. I’m up $2000 from Nvidia calls and puts. Started with $200 last Thursday. All guts. No brains lol

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