NVDA 150k bet. Down 60k Go big or go home


    Posted by CallMeThrow


    1. Shaping up to be a solid WSB story OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. Good news! Nvidia will release some positive AI news towards later half of july. I think u will def be ok. Don’t hold the sep when the news hit. Close out and collect the bank. very smart play!

    3. Crazy that about 6 weeks is the difference between -54% and -15%.

      So about 40% wow

      Sorry my 🍌 ass just bought some more $135 calls today haha

    4. centaursteve on

      $NVDA Listen, do you all realize that while you’re here losing your pennies because of the stock dumping that Jensen, insiders, and other very very wealthy people are losing real BIG money? Do you really think Jensen isn’t going to send the stock flying with some news during the shareholders meeting? It’s done enough bleeding, allowing the big guys to buy back in at a lower cost, encourage shorts to cover, and send the FOMO back out to you all. Let’s also not forget that $MU is going to shatter earnings, also propelling the tech sector back up $XLK

      New ATH by the end of the week. Book it 🚀

    5. You have an opportunity to buy those same calls again at 50% discount. Put in another 150k and it’ll only be a 25% loss. Or sell all the current one and buy them back again. 0% loss

    6. shinymetalobjekt on

      The market in general is in a pullback after the recent steep runup, I think it’s gonna catch a bid soon, and continue up, taking NVDA with it.

    7. I did this with AAPL calls about 8 years ago. Lost close to 300K. Still haven’t financially recovered. Best of luck to you.

    8. Daddy Jensen will come on 26th in his black leather jacket, will mention AI 150 times and the stock 🚀

    9. The August calls are cooked for sure. If it hits 130 after the 4th of july week, sell all. If not, sell all anyway. The theta in the last 4 weeks will fuck you everyday.

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