Nvda is still supply constraint. They are prioritizing ai gpus over consumer gpus. This is strong demand, should be bullish.


    Posted by edp445burneracc


    1. It became the most valuable company in the world just last week. What can be more bullish than that? It doesn’t mean it’s going to keep going up every single day. It’s allowed to sell-off and correct for a bit.

    2. Market cap…who wants to invest into a 3 trillion dollar market cap for a company with 60 billion annual revenue

    3. Otherwise_Way3347 on

      Woah I cant believe it. I put all my money in NVDA calls because someone on reddit told me it goes only up. Now Im doing research on internet for how much I can sell my kidney.

    4. After a certain marketcap, it no longer becomes investing. It becomes buying then selling once suckers pump up the stock.

    5. TheBattleGnome on

      If a company can go up 1000% in a year, it can go back down 90% in a year too.

    6. Jesus… these people dont know a bear market . It has been 10% after going up 200% F** OFF

    7. Slut_Spoiler on

      Oh, you sell off stuff that’s over extended. In successful trader jargon: “Sell high”

    8. WeAreBorg_101010 on

      Pretty much same thing happened in April right, pulled back, found support and then almost doubled lol. I’ll be buying this dip. Buy the dips and sell the rips

    9. You ever seen a bear shit in the woods?


      Probably best that you don’t see a bear shit in the woods. It’s not a pretty sight. The thing about bears you see is that they eat a lot and they are therefore full of a lot of shit.

      Once that shit starts coming out, it keeps on coming. That’s what we are seeing here.

      🌈🐻s shitting themselves and paper handing their shares away.

    10. It’s cause everyone was hyping up Nvda at 140 and I bought the top from Jensen himself. *

    11. Broccoli-of-Doom on

      Ah yes, I can’t figure out why the forward PE being 45+ might not be sustainable…

    12. wandering_souI on

      You just posting cause you lost some money. Don’t invest if you’re not confident in your investment

    13. MangoTwistedMetal on

      People have been waiting years to cash out. It’s now bigger than Apple. So. Everyone is cashing out.

    14. so was cisco – experiencing a supply constraint during the dot com mania, everyone wanted a router and 56K modem. then it all went bust overnight. it’s the exact same scenario.

    15. Why are you ignoring the ridiculous and massive run up that has happened already? Stock is bound to attract sellers when the price is so high. Runs come in waves.

    16. GraceBoorFan on

      Reality is institutions who were loading up bought heavily between 300-800 pre split, and most of the rally on NVDA was fueled by people (retail & institution) slamming calls nonstop forcing MMs to buy shares which caused people to buy more calls, etc creating a positive feedback loop. Once the 5.5T$ (notional value in shares) of calls expired, MMs began unloading all the shares they had to buy, hence, any buying pressure is literally stomped out. Probably aren’t enough buyers at these levels in tandem with other people taking profit on shares they’ve held for months so the price is dropping quickly.

      Probably will get downvoted for this, but we probably won’t see any true support till 70-80/share. Not saying the top is in, but we may not see any significant move to the upside for a little bit, probably consolidation for a while heading into next earnings.

      Also, retailers who bought the recent highs are now conditioned to continuing buying all the way down and are bagholders in the short term. Not like bagholding Nvidia is a bad thing anyways.

    17. ItzMattOnTheTrack on

      It’s not overextended it’s just a normal correction.

      At its peak it was about $3.9 trillion market cap. Think about it. If you’re investing to double your money in a timely manner, would you really throw your cash into the most valuable stock in the world? Is it reasonable to expect that they’ll pull in another $4 trillion in value over the next 5 years? Something that’s *never* happened in the history of the stock market? I just don’t think so.

      For reference, their market cap is more than Germany’s stock market in its entirety. Same with Englands and Frances.

      Imo this correction is normal and it was needed to allow more people to get in. NVDA was too high to be comfortable investing in, or to expect reasonable returns in the near future.

    18. Slaughterhouse63 on

      Bro, just close yours calls 😂 do people really expect NVDA to just keep running. You just had a 10:1 split people who held for 10 years are taking profits , insiders taking profits lol. Enter at like $95 😂 chill.

      Still amazes me this had a larger market cap than AAPL and there pulling in $90b a quarter (4x the amount of NVDA)

      Massive bearish engulf candle at $140 OB created.

      No position, biased opinion. 😂

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