NVDA loss porn – down 23k


    Posted by gertallah


    1. DeadByOptions on

      Looks like I’m not the only one that lost playing calls on NVDA… sucks doesn’t it. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

    2. Where’s the Redditor who commented a week or two ago about a selloff on NVDA after stock split? That happened to be spot on.

    3. Only 59% more to goemote:t5_2th52:4258![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. Unusual_Main_8505 on

      My 130’s expire the 26th. Maybe we can meet up and just hug for a while.

    5. Usernamecheckout101 on

      Tell people you loose money in nvidia… they gonna have a hard time believing you

    6. NoTransportation2899 on

      3 trillion + dollar market cap and guys like this don’t ask questions. Serious baggies gonna be born here…

    7. Nice, you managed to perfectly time the top where thousands of other bears have died trying to do so the past 6 months.

    8. Sandvicheater on

      Jesus OP is between a rock and a hard place.

      OP knows the moment he realizes losses NVDA is gonna shoot up to $150 next day.

      If OP bagholds NVDA is staying below $120 until 7/25 when it magically shoots up to $151 to spite OP

      Also if you got $56k to blow on Options WTF didn’t you buy some reasonable LEAPs instead?!?

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