Tesla Delivery Results Are Coming. Brace for More Bad News.


    Posted by LawrenceofIndia


    1. Tesla Bros have already said this is AI, Robo Taxi and robotics company and so delivery numbers dont matter /s

    2. Does this come as a surprise to anyone? Musk has alienated his core customer base and aligned himself with a group of people who hate EV. Who apparently would rather take their chances with sharks? Whatever that means.

    3. LightMission4937 on

      Elon baby nut suckers don’t care how bad things are/can get. They will ride with the bloated walrus all the way into a dead end street hitting the barricade. 📈📉

    4. Remember we’ll have full self driving next year (disclaimer Elon years are longer than Earth years by a factor of 69)

    5. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      I’m bracing for volatility and speculation
      ! (By that I mean, I bought calls to sell into it.)

    6. Enigmatic_Observer on

      Reddit has been awash in the last week with pictures of tesla vehicles just sitting parked in lots, with some claiming that people are cancelling truck orders. :shrug:

    7. Elon: This is actually a good thing because it means we’re at a point in production where people won’t have to wait for delivery on a new purchase.

      Then TSLA ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)for no reason

    8. HesitantInvestor0 on

      You guys are just the inverse of the Elon fanboys. You know there’s a whole middle ground available where Tesla is a great company, but not magical, Elon is a weirdo, but not the worst person on earth, and Tesla will ultimately succeed, yet not take over the world with flying cars.

      I find it comical when people critique another side as being extreme, only to show the same extreme stupidity but in reverse.

    9. Leather_Floor8725 on

      Tsla shareholders can always award Musk another 55b to increase the share price. Short sellers playing with fire!

    10. Don’t bother shorting Tesla, it took Elon wasting $44 billion on Twitter to go down to half. Elon and his fan boys will try pump the stock at any cost

    11. I think a lot of people took advantage of the .99% financing… might be a surprise in store.

    12. thatgibbyguy on

      I am so glad they made me cancel my order. I feel like a dodged a huge bullet not messing with them.

    13. carsonthecarsinogen on

      Stock will go up unless it’s next level fucked

      Everyone will cry because it’ll probably be bad but not bad enough

      I will sell when it pumps temporarily

    14. A LOT of boomers like the idea of self-driving as a last ditch way of maintaining some semblance of independence (they realize they’re starting to suck at driving, but aren’t ready to admit it).

      The 75+ crowd are all looking into buying Teslas. It’s crazy! I know. But it’s seriously happening.

    15. I drive by a lot where they store inventory in Boston. The lot went from maybe a dozen cars to maybe 200-300 cars over the last 6 months.

    16. I don’t get it, I went to pick up mines on a Tuesday and they had 50 deliveries that same day.

    17. There are no ‘bad news’ here. Only guarantee call or puts!

      I support Elon doing more stupid shit to tank his companies!

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