A few greedy missed opportunities to take profit later I find myself here in the pits of wsb… questioning my every decision. Need to take a break for a while.


    Posted by Power_hour_69


    1. I was at 53k before dropping down to 7k, all realized. Keep your head up, king. Your crown is falling

      🎶 Stack yo money till it gets sky high. We wasn’t supposed to make it past 25. Jokes on you, we still alive 🎶

    2. Mountain_Tone6438 on

      It happens man.

      Yesterday I bought 187 0dte SPY calls…. and I was actually UP and didn’t sell 🤣🤣🤣🤣.

      Now I’m fuckt

    3. ScipioAfricanusMAJ on

      Don’t worry bro there’s nothing wrong with losing the down payment for a house and just living the rest of your life in a 300 sqdt apartment

    4. Had 60k portfolio before taxes April 30th, now got 28k of which 15k are still to be paid in taxes :/ Similar boat.
      Made money as a bull before the mega rocket, lost money every time I thought I can short the top while the mega rocket was going

    5. WhereasFine6788 on

      I was at 76k June 5th now 24k 😭 hoping my shitty September calls come back to life 😂

    6. Accounts like yours just prove time and time again it’s not at all about how much money you have

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