1. Elon Musk’s vision works on motion. The key is to be very still if he’s facing you. He can’t see you if you’re very still.

      EDIT: People seem curious how I know his vision operates on motion – I’ll share my own personal anecdote that I had shared further in the comment chain:

      Some years ago, a number of us working at SpaceX in the company’s early days were left on an island compound with no food or water. This is well known – you can google it – but what isn’t well known is the other part of the story.

      You see, this was around the time that Musk had begun to…. change.

      If you notice he’s much larger and has significantly more hair than he did in his 20s. He’s almost an entirely different person.

      He had begun to take some very experimental gene therapies to achieve this.

      However these came with significant side effects. Most singificantly, he no longer sleeps at night. Instead, he changes. Due to some serious hormone modifications, his circadian rythym flips around at night and he mutates.

      The nearest I can describe it is that he looks like Krang’s robot body, from Teenage mutant ninja turtles, but with an uneven, protruding jaw, like a flesh crocodile. About one ton in weight, nearly eight feet tall. Primitive, animalistic personality. Capable of rudimentary thought and speech, but mostly just filled with violence and hunger. We called it his Krang Self.

      He used to come to the island we were trapped at. In the early days he wasn’t aware of his Krang self. He was in denial. He’d come to see the progress with the rocket, and he’d stay the night. We would beg him to leave, but he’d laugh and shrug it off.

      And then… then the night would come. He would change. And then he would stalk through the halls, making these horrible high-pitched grunting, screaming noises. Banging on the walls. Shrieking. Slurping and grunting. If you’ve ever heard a pack of wild coyotes our at night, that howling and shrieking they make – it’s like that, but a chorus all from one fleshy alligator mouth. Discordant. Horrific.

      Sally in analytics who got her bachelor’s in zoology had a theory that the Krang self appears to try and use noise to scare prey into moving, so that he can perceive it. And then eat it. It modulates its wails, chittering, growling, howling, and sometimes all at once, like someone flipping through many radio channels to try and find the right frequency. And then eat it.

      We found out very quickly that remaining absolutely still was the only way to fool his senses. We lost a lot of good people before we understood that. We approached our survival in the only way engineers know how – through repeated experimentation, observation, and iteration.

      Except our failures meant another among us would be eaten.

      Doug from Flight Systems made the mistake of trying to reason with the Krang self early on. Lots of pleading, lots of hand gestures. Musk clamped his felshy alligator maw down over top his head and just ate him. Just right there in the break room, just fucking ate Doug. Bones and all.

      Sally in analytics didn’t make it out either. I don’t even want to mention what happened to her. Not all deaths were as quick and thorough as Dougs. Suffice it to say that sometimes the Krang self would toy with its food. Bat it around. Let it try to run and escape before it fed. Sally got it bad. But Bill from the Radar Systems department had it the worst. Even writing his name makes me weak. There are things no person should ever see. Realities no person should ever know. That was nearly the end of me, the night that Bill died. Psychologically, it may have been.

      As Musk takes more and more of this experimental compound, the lines between him and his Krang self are blurring. I’d attribute a lot of his… expositions on Twitter and some of his financial decisions to the slow creep of his Krang self into his daytime life.

      Anyone who has watched Elon over the decades can tell something is going on. He’s never been the most socially graceful person, but at least in the early days he seemed to make fairly rational decisions.

      Even in the early days of him taking the cocktail, he was at least rational when he was his Musk self.

      But now to any observer he is clearly regressing. Becoming less and less coherent, more juvenile. To anyone who did not live through the horrors of the SpaceX compound this may seem like many different things or nothing at all.

      But for those of us who survived, we know exactly what this is.

      Eventually – myself and the others who have abandoned our jobs to study and track Musk’s transformation full time are predicting probably in the next ten years – he will be his Krang self 24/7, and will have to retreat entirely from the public scene, lest he eat anyone who moves in front of him.

      By now we know he is fully aware of his Krang self. He knows he transforms. He knows what…. what he does to people when he is his Krang self. But he no longer appears to care.

      When I look at this picture of Elon in this post, I can see the Krang self in his eyes. There’s nothing left of that shy, quiet little balding boy who helped build Pay Pal.

      One of the distinguishing physical features of the Krang self, in fact, is that its bulging eyes could each move independently of one another.

      Now look at Musk’s right eye in this photo. Look at how its drifting independent of the left eye. Drifting towards the asian man in the black shirt. Black shirt seems to be caught in the act of rubbing his arm. Clearly the motion caught the attention of Krang self, nestled inside but stirring, ever more wakeful, ever more watchful.

      That’s how we know. Those of us who survived, those of us who remain, we can see all of the physical signs of the Krang self. We can see it bleeding through.

      Every day the barrier between the Musk self and the Krang self grows weaker. And soon there will be no Musk self at all.

      There will only the Krang self, and its bottomless, endless hunger.

    2. TheOnlySafeCult on

      was gonna buy NVDL 69c yesterday but just held what I had. not unhappy though

    3. ImSotallyTobr on

      My flight leaves 15min before market open. Hope my calls are safe for a few hours

    4. NVDA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    5. DistinguishedIdiot on

      Heres hoping I can get out of these NVDA 150c 7/5 without doing an erotic dance for u/VacationLover1

    6. liendogfacedponysold on

      I think nvda holds around 125 until tomorrow everyone waiting to see what is said at share holder meeting

    7. “Honey, I lost the house”

      “What?? How??!”

      “I held puts overnight instead of buying the dip like a normal person”


    8. Jelly__Rogers on

      NVDA bears coping so hard just to watch their portfolios be cut in half in 3 hours 😂

    9. Jensen hasn’t used his full market manipulating abilities like Elon did. He should be selling AI flamethrowers right now.

    10. AY BERS, REMEMBER TO HAWK TUA, SPIT ON THAT HUANG ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    11. >Be WSB

      >Buy calls at 140

      >Buy puts at 120

      >Insist the other guys are morons

      >Both sides lose money

    12. DiamondRider21 on

      y’all ready for another NVDA red slide today! straight to Wendy’s here I come

    13. Consistent-Platypus3 on

      Daddy Nvidia is back with the milk dearest bears![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    14. Just as I told the Bers yesterday, I will now tell the Bol.

      Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

      NVDA 114.67 EOD

    15. DiamondComfortable50 on

      Every stock is green and then there is MSFT with shenanigans again ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    16. “Oh Nooo ai bubble about to burst”

      >!nvda is back to where it was 2 weeks ago!< ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    17. Alo? MM? I would like to request an IWM dump so I can buy back the calls I sold this morning. Thx ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    18. # AI Discussion Summary
      – There is a lot of discussion about buying and selling Nvidia (NVDA), with some stonks falling and others on the rise
      – One WSBaner said something obscene about Asian women, spurring others to make jokes or feign offence
      – Someone is fuming that their flight leaves before market open
      – The gang are predicting losses for bears and recommend buying a bag of Elon Musk

    19. 🎶 🎶 (WAKE ME UP) WAKE ME UP INSIDE 🎶🎶

      ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276) NVDA V Perhaps? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    20. pleasekeepmefocused on

      Ok so.. I’ve got 279 $125c 6/28 that I probably need to lock in some profit on if we can maintain this price into our day..

      Uhh how many should I sell at open?

    21. YourCautionaryTale on

      Yesterday afternoon I asked how many of you were going to go all-in on calls because of a pre-market pump that’ll be dumped a little bit after Open.

      Seems to be a lot of people lining up to be additional exit liquidity today. Letting them sell at higher prices again today is definitely appreciated.

    22. Swollen_Beef on

      Another pre-market pump. Nasdaq 100 was all red last night, wake up, its all green.

      whose taking the bait and getting rug pulled on them today?

    23. Young man, when you’re short on your dough you can

      Stay there and I’m sure you will find

      Many ways to have a good time

      It’s fun to trade at the N.V.D.A.

      It’s fun to trade at the N.V.D.A.

    24. SeaIndependence8138 on

      Bear trap incoming ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18632)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    25. Regards getting all excited about the pre-market. There is going to be blood on the street once the market opens! Are you ready for it? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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