I always check the calendar before making a trading decision. Save this one below and a few other tables I recently posted for future reference. You cannot use the information in isolation but in combination with other data, this stuff can be very useful for making short-term trade decisions. I am currently up almost 575K since going YOLO in my options account on short-term QQQ and big 7 PUTS since last Thursday, June 20th – you were warned. Despite still thinking that QQQ gap at 469 will close, I am now down to just 30% of my PUTS position now since it's no use being too greedy. I still want that cool mill on the trade, so I am not closing just yet, but I have my trailing stops now in place to protect, hedges and all house money now and more. Good luck to all.


    One of the worst seven day periods of the year.
    byu/pttrader22 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by pttrader22


    1. Table looks like you copied it from 1985 so checks out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27189)

    2. alwayslookingout on

      Interesting table. The first two weeks corresponded to SPY’s movement in 2023 but the third and fourth didn’t. This week seems to be following the pattern again. Idk what to say. Guess I’ll just keep buying. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    3. JeromePowellLovesMe on

      Positions or gtfo.

      Your post last week said mag7 puts in addition to Qs.

      You significantly overweighted nvda puts or you made a massive gamble and aren’t sharing your losses on the rest of the Mag7 that didn’t sell off from Wednesday.

    4. Fuck. I wish you posted this earlier. I knew today and Wednesday are bad days for trading, but didn’t think the entire week was bad. Picked a terrible time to buy calls for tomorrow.

    5. Artistic_Teach558 on

      People make fun of girls for making decisions based on the formations of stars then do this shit

    6. adamasimo1234 on

      Me and you have the same mind process. I’ve been garnering a ton of data which shows August/September/October period are the worst performing months historically. More specificallu, the 2nd and 3rd weeks are the worse. Because of the end of the month affect— the last 4 days and first 4 days of the month tend to fair better. I have massive puts ready to unleash after the first 4 days of September passes.

    7. Wild all the hate dude got when he could’ve just posted his positions and made everyone stfu but he didn’t.

      Makes you think……. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31224)

    8. I’ve had the two best days of the year the last two days. Was like a 60pt 5M ATR today for the first 45 minutes. Insane movements. Clean, no chop. I probably left 150pts on the table and still killed it.

    9. Marythatgirl on

      i appreciate your post. i remember you posted the same thing for June 20-21 so i was super careful and it paid off. thanks again

    10. So basically every third week of the month is red???
      I call it BS. Just with the W/L ratios you can see your chances are very slim. Your averages don’t mean anything either with such ratios. I would say, coincidentally you have a negative return, which is probably how the “best” are arranged.
      Backtest request.

    11. breakyourteethnow on

      This is incredible thank you so much! This is perfect to combine with trading/reacting to upcoming events. If I had seen this a week ago I would’ve bought Puts on NVDA on Friday without a doubt. I love probabilities, historical averages really do give an edge imo

    12. I’m up $5.8 million in one day going long SPX so I am more smart than you. – warned.

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