Korean Air Boeing plane descended 25,000 feet after a pressurization fault


    Posted by falcontitan


    1. And still Airbus stock is crashing for only selling a few more airplanes then last year ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. That picture though.. it slaps.

      And that news source.. my favorite one.

      I think we should nominate BI as the #1 news source for all regards in the universe.

    3. It descended because that’s what you’re supposed to do when you have a pressurization fault. All 25,000 feet. To where the air pressure is safe. Because, obviously.

      Puts on Airbus.

    4. BlacksmithOk3198 on

      My god just let the company implode at this point, the market will correct. Someone will fill their place, you already know there’s 24 companies who can smell gov contracts coming their way

    5. DolanTheCaptan on

      I’m kinda tired of using headlines, I need proper stats to compare incident rates between the major aircraft manufacturers. I am a certified Boeing hater as a eurofrog, but we gotta be objective here.

    6. BedContent9320 on

      This another one of those “this planes been flying since 2017 but now there’s an issues so it’s international news” events?

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