God bless VW and God bless RJ 🙏🏼


    Posted by Ecstatic-Compote-399


    1. Economy-Amphibian-45 on

      Enjoy it man, those are the days you live for in the market. Just don’t fall for the sunk cost fallacy if it starts to go the other way!

    2. WaterPractical5024 on

      What’s the ceiling on this ? I got 5 15.5 put options I bought right before close

    3. SwampyInReality on

      I held off buying anything related RIVN because i thought the price would only get inflated because of all the tariff talk delays between China and the EU. I want to free solo bungee jump now

    4. SynapseSmoked on

      I bought shares. not calls. playing it safe. and d’oh. calls printed nice

    5. Fergie_The_Shiba on

      I need help understanding options, I have $1000 to start , what do I do from here with that? I’ve been asking but nobody is being serious

    6. I unloaded a truck full of rivian a month ago. Watched that ewen McGregor show…the fact that the rivian made it the entire trip gave me the heebeejeebees. Had to offload that as fast as possible. Bought Harley after.

    7. Lost_Prior_359 on

      Better sell and grab this profits. Good chance it corrects once the euphoria wears off and people realize VW is still a VW and Rivian is still bleeding cash.

    8. Wait till the morning pump and then sell it. It’s gonna crash back down. Take your profits and be happy.

    9. ElectrochemicalAorta on

      Just bought shares and calls at 3:15 today. Glorious. Now someone tell me when $Vktx is getting bought out. I need a big win

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