saw this on twitter. 5000 calls @0.5 cents for rivn $14 June 28th. Cost $28k with fees etc Now worth 2.5 million

    Posted by ElectrochemicalAorta


    1. AdventurousNinja3383 on

      Yeah this guy knew ain’t no way someone is risking $25k that far out of the money on calls that expire in 3 days 💀💀💀💀. Probably someones dumbass son and their parents work at one of the company’s lmfao

    2. SwampyInReality on

      This is either most due diligent trade ever or OP is about to get there front door converted into an open access living plan by the SEC

      Seriously though, what was the mindset behind Rivian calls?

    3. Visual-Cranberry1210 on

      If you wanted facetime with Gensler, you could have just opened a crypto exchange instead?

    4. Optimizado99 on

      Man, I am thinking on going back to a job, get all the money that I made in a month, save up for 1 year, yolo on some obvious event and retire.

    5. Own_Arm_7641 on

      Open interest for the 14 strike calls only 2606 at close. Can’t hold 5000 of that strike if only 2606 open

    6. thenuttyhazlenut on

      Couldn’t be photoshopped. Nope. Never could of edited the HTML. Impossible.

      The gullibility of this sub never ceases to amaze me.

    7. Imagine buying 25k of 3DTEs super low delta calls just hours before a major annoucement like this hahahhahah.

    8. Can someone explain to me how it’s worth so much if the option isn’t even in the money yet? It still has 2 bucks to go till strike price and only 3 days left

    9. AndeeDrufense on

      By the law of WSB this rally was guarsnteed. I sold a Jul 05 2024 11.50 C for $.35 yesterday.

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