iPhone manufacturer won’t hire married women in India, report claims


    Posted by Similar_Diver9558


    1. SomeCartographer427 on

      We have 6 months full paid maternity leave in India. On average blue collar workers have 2 children. So that’s 1 year of paid leave.

      Why will a manufacturing company in a developing nation like India do that?

    2. lets not pretend that this also doesnt happen literally everywhere. companies just have to be more subtle about it.

    3. SEXY_HOT_GOWDA on

      They will hire but they frankly have loads of unmarried women or women who already have big kids clamouring to work there. India doesn’t have a labor shortage. Pretty sure they can only hire women who are 6 feet tall and still fill up employment

    4. Dark_Zero117 on

      I assume this is because married women have more of a chance of reporting sexual assault then non married women in India?

    5. I guess the hiring manager is single and ready to mingle ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. So this is the beginning of how India entering its demographic winter, like Japan.

    7. SuspiciousStress1 on

      Can I just say that from an investment perspective I’m not sure how this makes me feel.

      From the human/morale side, it’s a shitty thing to do

      From the financial side, it’s not a dumb move

      Just sayin.

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