Intel ($INTC) is an insane bargain right now, as it is trading at year 1999 stock price.

    Every other comparable tech stock is up 5000%-20000% since then.

    People are too focused on Intel consumer and data center products, which by the way are improving at impressive rate. Now they have AI chip comparable to NVIDIA's H100 (Guadi 3). Lunar lake SoC for laptops based on 3nm, upcoming desktop CPUs based on Intel 20 (Arrow Lake in Q3), and they also announced the next gen of Intel Arc GPUs with massive gains and driver improvements to make them very competitive with AMD & NVIDIA offerings.

    But the real deal is Intel Foundry segment.

    Currently Intel is the only company in the world that has ASML's next gen EUV machines (called High-NA) up and running. They will be able to manufacture sub 2nm silicon at impressive rate. No other company has received such machines. With rumors that TSMC (current leader in foundry business) will only receive them in 2026, and I doubt the USA will allow much to be sent to Taiwan, for obvious security reasons.

    Microsoft & Qualcomm already announced they gonna use Intel upcoming 18A node for their future products, and it's only matter of time until we hear others like NVIDIA & Apple jumping in.

    If you are a big tech company and want the best, cutting edge silicon you will have to switch to Intel foundry sooner or later.

    Investing in Intel right now is like buying NVDA stock before the AI boom.

    Why Intel is the most undervalued tech stock right now.
    byu/Kazgarth_ inwallstreetbets

    Posted by Kazgarth_


    1. lol you should borrow money and yolo everything into this OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. Sorry, it’s not undervalued. It’s absolutely dog shit at execution and has been proven time and time again. I held that piece of shit for 3-4 years at the dawn of semi popularity and watched it do absolutely nothing. Until the executives can prove they can actually execute stay away from this dumpster fire.

    3. Contemptforredditors on

      Where’s the lie? Something the others aren’t considering is that when the US and China inevitably start a war with each other, Nvidia and TSMC are turbo fucked and only intel will be left standing

    4. There is a reason why its stuck at 1999 price. Its become a boomer stock and everyone in the sector moved on. They think the name means something and their management sucks ass

    5. Emergency_Bother9837 on

      Sorry but this is a terrible choice to invest in, your money will go sideways forever.

    6. AmbitiousEconomics on

      ASML isn’t a US company, the USA doesn’t really get to choose where the machines go.

    7. a_library_socialist on

      I like it because if the US keeps trying to start a war, it’s gonna need to be able to make system on chips in the US, and that’s only Intel as someone else pointed out.

    8. LOL USA telling ASML to not sell machines to Taiwan? Go pound sand. Taiwan semi doesn’t need to spend for the newest machines immediately which is why they didn’t buy it, not because Intel is the leader. Intel also buys from TSM. Imagine a company relying on the American flag and government handouts to be relevant.

    9. Yea I starting a Position long and I figure if anything shady happens with China Intel foundry should rocket. If not they’ll still be selling top nodes.

    10. gaysaucemage on

      Intel hasn’t been competitive in nearly a decade. The foundry business takes massive investment compared to using someone else like TSMC which is why none of their major competitors own their own foundries.

      As a fellow INTC bagholder I kept thinking they should go up as anxiety about Taiwan and China increases, or with a push for more domestic semiconductor manufacturing, and it just doesn’t matter with Intel’s leadership.

      They might turnaround in several years so I haven’t dumped all my shares yet, but I stopped trying to buy options because I don’t see much happening in the short-term.

    11. I thought the same thing like 4 years ago. So happy I sold it at break even + the dividend last December. Stay away, there is just no point.

    12. NoApartheidOnMars on

      Intel is living off its glorious past.

      The migration from x86 to ARM has already started on the desktop with Macs now using Apple’s Silicon.

      At some point ARM will also gun for the data center space.

    13. simcoehooligan on

      So Intel were just waiting until they lost their decades long market dominance to a video chip maker, and now they’re ready to blast off full throttle. Seems like a reasonable approach

    14. GringottsWizardBank on

      People have been saying Intel is “undervalued” for over 20 years now. Don’t worry it’ll be right this time.

    15. Candlelight_Fant4sia on

      TL;DR new sci-fi movie titled “ramblings of the bagholder” coming out soon

    16. FlameForFame on

      I just got 100 shares two days ago because I figured that there is no way that it is going to stay this cheap for much longer.

    17. Intel has been saying they will have something to compete with Nvidia and AMD for the last 5 years. Each release is duller than the previous one with consumer ranting that it isn’t what they want or need. Intel fabs might have chance, but their consumer products have been industrial grade dogshit warmers for the last x years, while their server products have been steadily loosing market share to AMD and it’s better to not even mention their GPUs, they are nowhere near Nvidias stuff.

      Intel is at best a stable buy, but even then the increasing pressure of ARM based CPUs makes me worry for them.

      These kinds of posts make me think that people are rationalizing their purchase of what they believe to be similar but undervalued stock to Nvidia, because they missed out on the Nvidia rally and the fomo got the better of them.

    18. Every regard in the comments wants the returns of nvidia/amd/etc. but none of them are willing to buy in before the mooning. Peak cinema in here.

    19. pleasekeepmefocused on

      You know what.. I agree, I’m putting a portion of my nvda gains into stock

    20. Revenue still hasn’t recovered to 2021 levels (like every other tech stock has) and net income is down by 90% from those days. I’d even say it’s overvalued at this price

    21. There is a reason it’s at that bargain price. Not every bargain is a good deal, Intel looks more like a value trap than a true bargain. They don’t have a compelling path to driving the business and closing the value gap so that bargain may never deliver.

      The reason I say so is that they’re being squeezed out of every market they’re in from better (on every single aspect) alternatives, and it is highly unlikely that they can win any of that back anytime soon.

      Their only other option is to grow in a new market, which is more probable but still unlikely, especially considering that they don’t have the best talent on board.

    22. Intel is the new IBM and if you don’t know what that means then you truly deserve to throw your money at them.

    23. Casper-_-00B on

      Amd makes thier own gpu and cpu. Nvidia is the only other gpu maker. This is a duo. monopoly.

    24. Hopped in Intel calls yesterday before this amazing research. TY op I will see u in dubai with our expensive cars

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