Started with about 6k and basically lost it all, I’ve learned a ton and feel like I might be able to rebound with $800. Thoughts? Advice?

    Posted by VivaKingB


    1. Options is a zero sum game, don’t quit or you will be depriving someone else of your money

      Without losers there can’t be winners with options

    2. -Indictment- on

      You gotta make your money back man, DO NOT STOP. Take out loans or a 2 mortgage if you have too. It can only go up from here, trust me.

    3. Yeah you gonna rebound all the way to zero OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. 1. Are you good at Calculus, and deeply understand 2nd derivatives and how they work?
      2. Are you familiar with the Greeks, and how they work?
      3. Are you a degenerate gambler?

      If you can answer yes to at least two of these questions, then no, do not quit option trading

    5. CreateDeprivation on

      “feel like I might be able to rebound with $800”

      And thus a new gambler was born

    6. Silent_Win116 on

      You can definitely do it bro just play safe trades now. Right now i put my last 800$ in dell calls

    7. what’s your strategy?

      Clearly it isn’t working so you need a different approach

    8. 0dteOfWallSt on

      Food for thought: this money isn’t much in options, lost 6 figures when I started years ago, now I made all that back after last year when I decided to sit down and learn the stock market instead of being a degenerate.

      moral of the story: pick up a book and study if you wanna make money

    9. Silent-user9481 on

      I started in late March with $300. By end of April, I had $1005. I had a horrible May. At 430pm on 5/31, I had $69 left. I was over playing, and holding for the big baggers and the results were only loses. In May I injected another $500. I haven’t put a penny in this month.

      Since 6/1, I’ve lived by the following rules:

      1. switch to a cash account
      2. never hold a position past closing.
      3. always take profit (even if you miss the peak and end up with 1% gain).
      4. never YOLO a single play. I use up to 50% of total cash for a move and then the balance on other short term plays
      5. if you get to 30% – 40% profit. Close and be very happy.
      6. never be greedy. Take the small wins
      7. retreat is a win. If my play goes down 20%. I exit without question. I can earn it back at some point

      Godspeed regards.

    10. You’ve learned “a ton” but without a solid foundation and plan, you’ve got no way of knowing what you don’t know. Feeling like you might be able to rebound with $800 when you weren’t able to manage $6k is just a feeling.

      Successful trading isn’t about feelings, though there are periods of drawdowns and subsequent rebounds.

      Regarding the things you’ve learned, expand upon that and describe how you think what you’ve learned will help you rebound. Were you spending this money to learn a profitable technique and system? Did the emotional rollercoaster of profits and losses teach you something about mental state and discipline?

      No-one here can provide much advice because you’ve not actually exposed much about how you came to part with nearly $6k “options trading”. Without details of what you’ve learned, no-one here could possibly have an impression as to your level of skill and probability of inverting that equity curve.

      Ensure you’re only using money you could lose comfortably and not impact your life in any way, develop a proven back-tested system to trade with and always practice discipline. Less trades but higher quality, the quality is something quantifiable based on aforementioned back-tested system.

      Start a trade journal that details why you entered the trade, what was the profit target, stop loss (if any) and everything in between.

      Forget everyone else’s performance and most of what you hear/see because 99% of the time it’s FUD or fake. Focus on developing your own edge that melds with your characteristics.

      You owe it to your future self to determine whether this is something you seriously want to continue with as a form of wealth preservation and growth – not gambling and generally fooling around without a plan. No-one else can decide that for you.

    11. I was down $100k and now I’m up $20k lol, anything can happen and that’s also the problem.

    12. In all honesty man, you’re learning so that’s the right idea — I tell people, the cost of knowledge in the long run is nothing compared to how that knowledge will help you grow. So just take longer duration decisions now and buy shares, don’t trade options if that’s how you got reckt.

    13. GameLoreReader on

      Okay. This is what you should do. Each day, just use $100 and buy QQQ 0dte calls priced at $0.20. Wait for your profit to be like $30-$50, then close position and don’t trade. Repeat each day until you hit $1,500. If your calls become unprofitable, at least you only lost $100 in a day.

      From $1,500, do the same strategy, but with $200 per day. Buy $0.20 0dte calls. Take profit at $50-$100 and stop trading. Do this until $2,000.

      From $2,000, same shit, but with $300 per day. Take profit at $100-$150.

      From $3,000, do $400 per day. Take profit at $200-$300.

      And so on….

    14. Mundane_Opening3831 on

      Psht I’ve got you beat. Have less money currently and have lost more than you. Just about to turn it all around 😎

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