Reloaded 100k

    These are the biggest options holdings:

    TSLA 29k
    CORZ 42k
    NVDA 10k
    SPWR 10k
    MU 6.5k

    Posted by CAPNHODL


    1. Good job OP, this will make a lot of people feel better about themselves ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. artemiusgreat on

      Did you make money on meme stocks and decided to give it back or money came from another source?

    3. *Dude. Stop. You beyond suck balls at this. Donate your money to charity if you want to keep throwing it away…*

    4. I literally was down like 96% and bought CORZ myself. Of course I got it at 0.10 a share (no options because it’s too hard to know when it will moon) and have held for 16 months but it totally turned me to being up 68% all time. You’re going to do great 👍👍

    5. All you’ve literally done is lose with massive amounts of money. I doubt you reloading with 100k will be any different.

    6. My 85k has the exact same chart lol! If you have that much left buy far dated calls into spy or qqq and just wait a year or more

    7. I’m hoping for OP it was easy money to begin with, like from a previous yolo because it would be heart breaking if they were hard earned money from years of 9to5, either OP’s or inherited.

    8. _beetus_juice_ on

      People were giving me shit alllll day in DMs about starting with 650k and pushing it to a milly. See, this is the outcome I did NOT want, but I applaud this man for his dedication

    9. MrCouncilman on

      God damn, you could’ve opened a Wendy’s ™️ franchise with that and had your own army of sex slaves


    10. Tom_Foolery2 on

      My goal in life is to be able to lose $600k and not care enough to post it Reddit for shits n gigs.

    11. PaleontologistDeep80 on

      NVDA is in a range MU guidance is a miss TSLA is TSLA and SPWR is dying.

      And you probably have/had nearly 100% of your account holding options at every point in this graph.

      You belong here

    12. SirRudderballs on

      You would have more success following some of the regarded DD on this sub. Seriously.
      Who’s money are you setting on fire? Trust fund kid? Grandma died?

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