Hedge-fund Manager Says Nvidia Will Hit a $6 Trillion Valuation by Year-end


    Posted by wubbalubbadubdub9195


    1. MrForever_Alone69 on

      Lol don’t get me wrong I love NVDA but this is just a crack dream ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. In other words “Hedge-fund Manager Desperately Needs NVidia to Hit $6 Trillion”

    3. sick_build723 on

      Misleading retail investors while checking out with our money. Then ooops, it drops down 80%, didn’t see that coming. We know that game better now.

    4. Not possible without more qe. Need another flood of new money into the system for that to happen

    5. In other news drug addict says making drugs free and available will be helpful for society

    6. A_friendly_goosey on

      This means it’s time to sell, everyone panic.
      6T happens and OP can peg me.

    7. SuccessAffectionate1 on

      Hope people understand that all the managers and analysts are just trying to pump their own stock portfolios with hype.

      Sorry, mr. Manager, but Roaring Kitty wins this strategy.

    8. My wife’s boyfriend told me Comcast is next to join the $2trillion club. He’s super smart, I lent him $20k to invest in it.

    9. VorpalBlade- on

      Cause they need it there to provide enough collateral for their insane short positions

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