i’ve lost 15.5k at 19 years old. post your loss porn so i feel better abt myself😭🙏


    Posted by Organic_Ad_7638


    1. Not even old enough to drink but rather lose all his money gambling ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. Still got 311 dollars there bud. Go put it into a CD then in 25 years when you get to 1k, put it on tesla calls.

    3. bawtatron2000 on

      If it makes you feel better, you lost more money investing at 19 than I had invested at 29.

    4. SympathyOk9892 on

      at least you arent an addict or in debt with the mafia who would take your mommas eyeballs, life is blessed

    5. AnybodyResident7428 on

      Lol i lost 16k 3 years ago at 22. I’m up to negative 4k now. You’ll manage haha

    6. That’s cute. OP thinks he only lost 15.5k

      Instead If he put 500 a month on spy with that 15.5k base he would be at 165,000 by 30

    7. IndifferentNibba on

      5k here last year. Trust me it hurts, but you literally just lost 50% if your yearly salary(assuming minimal wage at your age, god forbid this is your student loans). Hot damn bro, maybe consider long term investing. That’s what I’m doing now that options have brought me down -5k. I’m 19 too, about to turn 20. Going into year 20 almost even and with minimal debt. Bro you got this shit, just force yourself not to touch options for at least several months. You will do fine.

    8. You got plenty of time to make it back and lose it all over again OP ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    9. If you have 15.5k to lose at 19 I wouldn’t be to worried, bet life will work itself out

    10. Aye bro congrats you lost more money than I have ever had in my life and I’m 30 now you get to start fresh like the rest of us regards

    11. 20 years old and lost the exact same sum as you, posted earlier. You aren’t alone, we are all regarded ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    12. At least you’re only 19 and can work at Wendy’s. Imagine being 48 and being made fun of by my wife’s boyfriend because i work at Wendy’s.

    13. CaptJackSparrow1110 on

      Kid..!! If you start feeling better about your losses, that will stick with you. That’s how gamblers live. Be smart. You got time. Invest time in learning value investing. By the time you are 25, you will be a happy investor. If you don’t trust me, look at the 5 year history of the decent tech stocks.

    14. Ill-Maximum9467 on

      Make another withdrawal from the Bank of Ma and Papa.

      Shit, I’m supposed to make you feel better.

      You’re young – you have lots of time to pay back that debt. 👍

    15. I lost 20k at 22 and now at 26 made it all back plus extra in profits mostly just buying spy and spy stocks

    16. I didnt have 15k at 19 that i could loose. Welcome to the real world my little oil prince.

    17. While 15k may be a lot for you, it’s no life-changing sum you can’t make back. Heads up, just an expensive but valuable lesson at the right time.

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