Puts on Boeing guys just boarded and saw a loose screw 🔩 Wish me luck guys😬


    Posted by Silverpatriot7


    1. Its fine so many other screws left ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    2. WendysSupportStaff on

      ensure you pay for wifi if not included so that you can make me your beneficiary.

    3. Dull_Broccoli1637 on

      If the plane doesn’t crash, the Boeing hit squad will get ya ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    4. SeveralBollocks_67 on

      My regarded ass thought the arrow was pointing at the loose screw 🙂

    5. Your balance about to go the same direction as your plane… straight into the ground.

    6. Can you send a quick message if you start dropping so we can at least make some money going short?

    7. AccidentallyBacon on

      it’s not loose; the hole is cross-threaded so this is as far in as they could get it; it’s already in the logs for next overhaul, don’t you worry

    8. Star_king12 on

      “does it count as insider trading if I’m selling/shorting stocks from inside a plane as it’s breaking down, also I’m going to die”

    9. Silverpatriot7 on

      Everyone on the flight is pissed off at me right now because I reported it and they will be late for their next flights ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    10. Silverpatriot7 on

      Does this make me a whistle-blower shit now I’m scared 😰😰😰

    11. Hey Boeing Rep here, mind telling me your flight and row number? We can figure out the rest from there and deal with the two issues 🙂

    12. itszulutime on

      What terrible luck! That’s the screw attaching the wing to the spar! The rest of the screws are just for decoration.

    13. BOBBY_VIKING_ on

      If shit goes south (or down) mid flight don’t waste any time and buy some puts on Boeing stock. It’s not insider trading if you’re inside the plane and it’ll take a few hours for the media and shareholder to know about the crash.

      Oh and DM me your account info so I can post your gains.

    14. Im sorry about your suicide in 2 weeks, hearing you shot yourself twice in the back of your head is tragical

    15. No proof this is a Boeing plane. Panels get removed and reinstalled all the time during in-service maintenance. Boeing isnt responsible for in-service maintenance, unless on contract for that, which is highly unlikely.

    16. Few_Calligrapher1293 on

      That plane could fly with half the screws in that panel… they are so over engineered.

    17. thefisher86 on

      I watched this video on mute at first and I SWEAR I can hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme playing

    18. sheepondrugz on

      It looks like they cross threaded the fuck out of that screw. They cant even put a screw in correctly, puts on Boeing

    19. It’s alright, the aircraft can fly without x number of screws per panel.

    20. UnbreakableRaids on

      It’s not a leading edge or a corner and it’s not near the intake. It will be fine.

    21. Bro said wish me luck nah dog you going need some prayers 😂😂 hope you made it safe

    22. moparsandairplanes01 on

      I’m an aircraft mechanic. All the old timers are retiring and being replaced by kids out of school. Expect a lot more of this.

    23. Silverpatriot7 on

      We were suppose to depart an hour ago we are still waiting for a mechanic but I think they are waiting for (Agent 47) to come talk to me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    24. _Fooyungdriver on

      Amateur aerospace engineer here and professional regard. This screw is supposed to be loose for really complicated aerospace purposes. I would explain, but it’s too complicated for WSB. Basically I would be concerned if I boarded a plane without a loose screw here.

      Inversing your puts.

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