1. Beginning_Sentence69 on

      I want every one in bear mode today for AMD, yes its about me making some money, but you too…

    2. Has a stock ever not dumped after it’s risen this much pre market?

      Big players have their exit liquidity from retail

    3. lameducker24 on

      Me: “NVDA please do the thing where you open the day green”
      NVDA: “No”

    4. rtbufofoxtrot on

      can someone help me understand why fundimentals of TLRY do not matter in the grand sceem of things. I understand about the U.S. issues with cannabis, however that does not change the rest of the globe in relation to profits?

    5. trainwreck001 on



    6. Last 2 times TSLA ran on bullish sentiment it moved about 100%, were at 62% currently ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    7. Mediocre-Gas-3831 on

      Maybe the primates were right after all…

      🦔🪜 attacking TSLA ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

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