Elon Musk says Bill Gates will be ‘obliterated’ for shorting Tesla stock


    Posted by OMG__Ponies


    1. OppositeArugula3527 on

      Is gates still short Tesla. He’s gotta be down quite a bit now.

    2. FreeEuropeYouCunts on

      Why would someone who earns $1.3 million per day off dividends alone do something as regarded as short a stock

    3. Aside from the fact that it seems not a good time to short tesla at least not untill after the Robotaxi conf which is Aug 8th, Bill Gates already made yuge profit off of his tesla short position in 2022 wen it had drilled from $300ish to $101, btw i suspect it gonna hit 300 soon again.

    4. Turbulent_Bid_374 on

      I would buy some SpaceX if it ever IPOs, otherwise I avoid Musk ventures. I would bet the money to be made in TSLA stock has already happened.

    5. mysmellysausage on

      If Gates covered his shorts with calls it’s not a big loss, that’s what options are technically for, not 0day lottery tickets for degenerates.

    6. Worried_Quarter469 on

      Gates reportedly apologized to Musk, but it didn’t help.

      “Once he heard I’d shorted the stock, he was super mean to me,” Gates said. “But he’s super mean to so many people, so you can’t take it too personally.”

      When the two reconnected via text the following month, Gates tried to restart the philanthropy discussion. But Musk wasn’t letting go of his anger over the stock shorting.

      And he didn’t hold back in his assessment of Gates in a message to Isaacson.

      “At this point, I am convinced that he is categorically insane (and an a–hole to the core),” Musk texted Isaacson right after his exchange with Gates. “I did actually want to like him (sigh).”


    7. Gates likely closed his short at a massive profit. Elon is just trying to push headlines that might help pump the stock more.

    8. WeirdLitIsBetter on

      Elon probably isn’t even allowed through the gates of Bohemian Grove lol. I doubt Bill is afraid of him.

    9. HonestPerson92 on

      In the long run it might be a smart short. However, if it’s nor, it’s worth the loss just to piss off Elon.

    10. Pitiful_Difficulty_3 on

      Bill Gates probably already closed the short position and took profit.

    11. Arkanslaughter on

      I wonder what sort of goalpost lowering strategy we’ll use for Tesla this time? Oh, it didn’t meet our expectations and underdelivered but uh…. we got elon his pay package so hooray!

    12. Savings-Stable-9212 on

      Gates’ trade is based on reason. The only way Tesla is worth 64 times earnings is if all of Elon’s bullshit promises come true and he embarks on a huge mea culpa campaign for being a fascist crank. Neither will happen.

    13. My god, I just realized I haven’t heard about Musk in like a week and you bastards ruined it. Fuck you all.

    14. spectacular_coitus on

      Musk says “when” a lot when he really means “if”.

      The best description of him I’ve heard is that he’s really good at turning the impossible, into late in the minds of his followers.

      Toss his prediction into the pile of others that he’s way behind on.

      I do fully support what he’s doing. But I just don’t buy the hype.

    15. ninjas_not_welcome on

      Remember when Elon didn’t give a fuck if his stock goes down, and would even deliberately cause it to crash? Fun times…

    16. InvisibleBlueRobot on

      Gates shorted Tesla when it was at near record highs. I think he confirmed the short in 2022. Around this time the stock- skyrocket to around $400.

      I always assumed Gates would have dumped these position when the stock dropped down to $130 or on the way there. Gates even said it want a permanently bearish position, he just thought it was priced too high for the time.

      Despite what Musk says, I find it highly unlikely Gates actually lost/ loses money on this position.

    17. RepulsiveRooster1153 on

      tesla’s sux, they really need to work on their quality control. perhaps taking some of musk’s bonus to pay folks a decent wage? Instead, he laid folks off that a boy musk….

    18. Comfortable-Spell-75 on

      This delusional pump has been brewing for a good while now in order to bail out the big boys/institutions that have been bagholding at these current levels. $232 is the S&P inclusion price so market makers will always find a way to pull the stock towards that price target. Pretty sure a hit piece on Tesla is being worked on by some media outlet. This never fails when this stock goes into overbought territory.

    19. I hope this fucking company goes bankrupt so a a serious person can run it. Sucks to know that Gates would just get wealthier in the process, but whatever.

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