Rivian Amazon delivery vans catching on fire while charging-reports


    Posted by Samuel-L-Chang


    1. pointme2_profits on

      Heavy use, hot batteries, hot chargers, and a daily drain and recharge routine will stress any lithium battery. Any weakspots will be found.

    2. InterstellarReddit on

      Rivian really trying their best while Tesla cuts every corner, the world ain’t fair

    3. Its not a bug, its a feature. They just need to use these trucks in Antarctica and its fine ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    4. JustSayTech on

      Let me get that clickbait title in motion for yah.

      Tesla style vans from competitor burst into flames while charging at Amazon factory.

      Because you can’t get enough click for vehicle fires without Tesla in it somehow.

    5. TheRealSlimLaddy on

      Bullish. More money for the company via insurance and less product waste you have to deal with

    6. blaat_splat on

      I like how the article says professionally installed like some professionals don’t take shortcuts or use cheap parts. Especially when you win a bid because you are low. Plus it doesn’t mention anything about how the fires started simply saying the video doesn’t show it.

      From what I understand ev fires are hot, and a single vehicle catching fire would probably cause it’s neighbors to catch fire as well. More info is needed.

    7. From the article, here’s a top 10 sensationalize and alarmist sentence of the year… “[Heat-related EV issues](https://jalopnik.com/its-too-hot-for-evs-to-work-right-1850663950) are likely [only going to get more common](https://jalopnik.com/extreme-heat-just-as-bad-for-ev-range-as-extreme-cold-1851572459) as [the world heats up](https://jalopnik.com/how-are-you-combating-climate-change-1847701759), but electric vehicles continue to [not be a massive fire risk](https://jalopnik.com/hybrid-cars-light-on-fire-more-than-electric-and-gas-po-1848454698)”.

    8. sophisticated_pie on

      Imagine everyone losing their packages because the delivery vans constantly erupt in flames.

    9. If this was a Tesla article it would rip another 10%. I’m not sure what it means for Rivian.

    10. SwimmingSpecial640 on

      I work for the tollway, most of the images of the Amazon rivian vans are on tow trucks or trailers. Rarely do I see one moving under its own power

    11. I wonder if this why I see less of the ev vans in my neighborhood and I’ve been seeing white vans.

    12. Successful_Car1038 on

      $LAZR – Austin Russel is the founder and CEO of this company $LAZR (Luminar Technologies) leader in the Autonomous Driverless Vehicles and LIDAR leader. Austin is under a bet that he is not getting paid until this stock hits $50 per share. Please take this to the moon so that Austin can get paid his salary. Thank you all 🙏

    13. Facts: the vehicle was plugged into a charger but not actively charging.  The high voltage battery was not the source of fire.

      Speculation: the fire started from the charger itself.

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