Turkey’s $25BN Artificial River To Rival The Suez Canal

    imagine an artificial River so Grand it Rivals the Suez Canal transforming global trade routes turkey’s $25 billion Canal Istanbul project aims to create just that a 28m Marvel linking the Black Sea to the Sea of marara and Beyond to the agian and Mediterranean Seas slated for completion by 2027 this ambitious Venture promises to alleviate the congestion of the bosserous straight one of the world’s busiest Maritime passages how will this project reshape not only Turkey’s economy but also the global Maritime [Music] landscape turkey and Istanbul its vibrant Hearts hold a unique position in the world Istanbul straddles Europe and Asia serving as a critical economic and cultural Hub historically it has been the capital of formidable Empires like the Romans byzantines and Ottomans primarily due to its strategic location along the bosserous straight this narrow waterway connects the Black Sea to the agian and Mediterranean Seas making it one of the world’s most important Maritime routes however the bosor is straight despite its significance faces severe congestion imagine 40,000 ships traversing this narrow passage annually a number far exceeding the traffic of other major canals like Panama and Suz this heavy Maritime traffic results in massive delays sometimes extending to several days posing significant challenges for global trade and Regional Logistics in the 1990s to mitigate these issues turkey constructed the yavu sultan Saleem bridge and other infrastructure projects to ease the burden on the Bosphorus yet even these measures proved insufficient as the volume of Maritime traffic continued to swell moreover the montro Convention of 1936 imposes strict regulations on turkey’s control over the Bosphorus limiting its ability to impose tolls or regulate the passage of ships faced with ever increasing Maritime traffic and significant constraints on the boss for a straight turkey envisioned a bold Solution on new Canal that would bypass the congested Bosphorus easing traffic and enhancing the nation’s strategic and economic standing here to the north you have the Black Sea and to the South the Sea of marara between them lies Istanbul and the narrow Bosphorus straight now look slightly to the west of the Bosphorus this is where the new Canal will be constructed Canal Istanbul a massive $25 billion project designed to create an alternative route for maritime traffic stretching 45 km this artificial River will link the Black Sea to the Sea of marara running parallel to the Bosphorus why this location by constructing Canal is stemble to the west of the Bosphorus turkey aims to provide a straight wide and deep waterway that can handle large vessels more efficiently if you look at the map you’ll notice this new roof not only bypasses the congested Bosphorus but also connects directly to Major Maritime routes offering a faster and safer passage for ships the Canal’s dimensions are impressive it will be 275 M wide and 20.75 M deep these measurements are no coincidence they are meticulously designed to accommodate the world’s largest oil tankers and cargo vessels ensuring safe and efficient passage the width of 275 m is a critical feature it allows for two-way traffic significantly reducing the risk of accidents large vessels often up to 400 m in length and 60 M wide requires substantial space to navigate safely the depth of 20.75 M is equally crucial accommodating ships with a draft of up to 17 M which is typical for fully loaded super tankers this ensures that even the largest ships can pass through without the risk of grounding building the canal requires moving an estimated 1.5 billion cubic M of soil this massive Earth moving task involves Advanced engineering techniques to handle the fast amount of displaced Earth efficiently and safely the project also includes extensive measures to manage sedimentation preventing the canal from becoming shallow over time regular maintenance and advanced sediment management will keep the canal at its optimal depth integral to the Canal’s infrastructure are six Bridges essential for maintaining connectivity between the regions divided by the new Waterway these bridges are designed to handle both vehicular and pedestrian traffic seamlessly integrating with isle’s existing Urban infrastructure one of the standout features is the first bridge near Sader in the adna province adna is in the northwest of turkey close to the border with Greece and Bulgaria and plays a crucial role in connecting the European side of Istanbul to the rest of turkey this cable State Bridge will form part of the northern marara Highway specifically in Suburban districts on the European side of Istanbul known for their residential and Commercial significance with a total length of 1,600 18 M the bridge will feature a main span of 440 M it will be supported by 36 stay cables and 272 anchorages ensuring robust structural Integrity the Bridge’s Towers soaring to 196 M will be constructed with a distinctive Diamond geometry this design not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also provides the necessary clearance of around 65 m above the water allowing the largest ships to pass underneath without obstruction each of the six bridges in the canal Istanbul project will incorporate similar High engineering standards to maintain both functionality and safety by integrating these Bridges with the existing and expanding infrastructure of Istanbul the project ensures that while the new Canal facilitates Maritime traffic it does not disrupt the existing Urban connectivity in addition to the bridges the project includes two deep Subway Crossings these tunnels will enhance Transportation links between the regions divided by the canal especially important for connecting Istanbul’s new airport the subway tunnels will be constructed using tunnel boring machines tbms which can create large stable tunnels deep underground these tbms will operate at depths that prevent interference with the canal and existing Urban structures furthermore a conventional railroad crossing will run parallel to the canal this rail line will be critical for Freight and passenger transport enhancing the logistics Network that supports Istanbul’s economic activities the railroad will likely include multiple tracks to handle High volumes of traffic with modern signaling systems ensuring safety and efficiency a significant aspect of the project is its focus on earthquake resistance Istanbul is situ uated in a seismically active region necessitating robust construction standards the residential areas along the canal are being built to withstand potential earthquakes incorporating the latest in engineering and Architectural design to ensure safety and resilience economically Canal Istanbul is projected to bring substantial benefits the canal is expected to generate up to $8 billion in annual revenue primarily through Transit fees by providing a faster and more efficient route compared to the Bosphorus the canal aims to attract significant Maritime traffic this in turn will boost local economies create jobs and enhance turkey’s strategic importance in global trade despite the ambitious scale and high costs the Turkish government is confident in the Project’s long-term benefits the canal is not just about alleviating current congestion but positioning turkey as a pivotal player in global Maritime routes by bypassing the Bosphorus turkey can circumvent the restrictions imposed by the mantro convention allowing for greater autonomy in managing and profiting from its waterways moreover Canal Istanbul is poised to enhance turkey’s geopolitical influence control over a major Maritime route will increase turkey’s leverage in international trade negotiations and its strategic importance in global Logistics this could lead to Stronger economic ties with key trading partners and greater involvement in international Maritime Affairs internationally the canal could shift the balance of power in the region Russia in particular views the project with suspicion concerned about its implications for access to the Black Sea similarly other countries with interests in the region will be closely watching the developments of canal Istanbul the world will be watching closely as this Monumental project unfolds eager to see its impact on the future of international shipping if you found this video informative please like subscribe comment and turn on notifications for more updates [Music]

    Discover Turkey’s ambitious $25 billion Canal Istanbul project, a 28-mile artificial river set to rival the Suez Canal. Learn how this monumental venture, linking the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, aims to transform global trade routes and alleviate congestion in the Bosphorus Strait. Explore the economic benefits, geopolitical implications, and advanced engineering behind this modern marvel. Will Canal Istanbul reshape global maritime logistics or stir international tensions?

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    1. As a Turkish architect I can clearly say that this shit won't be realized! You talk about residential areas, but you have no idea how populated Istanbul is! You have no idea how corrupt the islamist regime is. You have no idea that they are selling lands of Turkey to some rich people from Qatar. You have no idea how they have already destroyed the Northern Forest. We don't need it and due to corrupted economy Turkey has no budget to spend on someone's wet dream. First we need to focus on preparing for a possible earthquake! Then we need to fix the problems in our failed economy.

      So please stop promoting bullshit. What you are doing has nothing to do with architecture or engineering.

    2. Spread out traffic, make a second revenue producer for priority freight, create a second commercial and maritime node for the country as well. It also provides several generations of careers for the population that will create a base of lessons learned for massive civil engineering projects. There is a lot of UP side to this project. Now as long as it stays earthquake immune ……

    3. The Canal Istanbul has nothing to do with the Suez Canal.
      It's purpose is for Turkey to better control the access to the black sea and create revenues

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