The Suez Crisis (1956) – From the Archives | United Nations

    [Music] [Music] we are now less than 2 hours from the time set for an agreed ceasefire without commitments from the three governments which so far have not indicated our [Music] acceptance the third report document a stroke 3289 is my first report in reply to the request of the assembly that within 48 Hours the Secretary General present a plan for the establishment of United Nations Force to secure and supervise the cation of hostilities [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]

    In July 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company over the protest of France and the United Kingdom. In October 1956, Israeli forces launched an attack on Egypt and occupied Sinai, with British and French troops landing soon after in the Suez Canal Zone.
    The United Nations was unable to resolve the matter in the Security Council and it was referred to the General Assembly. UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld put forward his plans for the establishment of the first United Nations peacekeeping force (United Nations Emergency Force), to supervise the withdrawal of the three occupying forces and, after the withdrawal was completed, to act as a buffer between the Egyptian and Israeli forces and to provide impartial supervision of the ceasefire.


    1. The Suez Crisis had two Security Council aggressors, and yet the UNGA and Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld used the ‘uniting for peace’ resolution to bypass the UNSC and deploy peacekeepers, ending the war. This proved that a veto could be bypassed by the UNGA if there was a fear the UNSC could be paralyzed by the aggressor nations themselves.

      I wish Secretary General Gutierrez had tried such a thing with Ukraine—but Dag was the best Secretary General we’ve ever had.

    2. ان النفايات في البحار والمحيطات وما اغرق فيها من انواع المعادن والمستهلك من الانسان عبرالقارات في الكوكب تعد فتاكة بلحياةالفطرية ومؤثرة علي البيءة بتطرف مناخي(الزوابع والاعاصير) نتيجةحركةالمدوالجزرللبحاروالمحيطات وقد نوه رئيس البيت الابيض القديس جو بايدن الموقر بمساعدة الامم المتحدة في مجال الدعم المادي كقروض واوضح القديس انطونيوغوتيرش الموقر عن اهمية انشاء مؤسسات للبحار والمحيطات لنهاء مشكلة النفايات البحريةفي الكوكب.

    3. GOD WITH US.

      Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel. – (Isaiah 7:14)


      C'est pourquoi le Seigneur lui-même vous donnera un signe : Voici, une vierge concevra et enfantera un fils, et elle lui donnera le nom d'Emmanuel. – (Ésaïe 7:14)

    4. People, the United Nations is preparing you for the 10 nations that is already mapped out! The security council police will be placed in each of these nations. America will not police Americans because they know Americans will not shoot on their own so Americans will go to Europe and the reason why our borders are open is because America is number one in the nations and we will be governed by Russia, Mexico, and China and Africa!! Don’t trust the United Nations. They’ve been planning this since World War II.! in these 10 nations other nations will be merged into their mapped area. America’s map area is Mexico, Canada and America as one nation!

    5. Unbelievable that they had the audacity to go to war over Egypt a nation taking control from a corporation that had the octopusal hands of the US, France and Israel in it.

    6. Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
      From :
      Chaplaincy Sah Sufi Muhammad Jewel Mondall Naqshbandeya Mujaddedea Jamalpuri (MZA).
      Jamalpur -2000.

    7. There are countries that often preach human rights, but the GBU-39 bomb has spoken on Rafah and it was a small accident not a war crime

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