Colonial Powers vs. Egypt: The Suez Canal Incident #history #suez_canal

    the Suez Canal which was built 90 years earlier was built with Egyptian labor tens of thousands of Egyptians died building the Suz Canal but it was funded by French banks and English banks that Egypt was forced to take a loan for so who is going to benefit from the Suz Canal France and Great Britain because they could send their goods through the Suz Canal from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean who paid for it Egypt had to pay for it using Egyptian labor Egypt gets totally hosed in the process tens of thousands of dead Egyptians and massive debt and the British used that debt in 1882 to unilaterally invade and Conquer Egypt one of the things the British do is they declare that the Suz Canal Zone is actually an international zone so Naser decides he’ll nationalize the suest canal and then every time a ship goes through he’s going to charge money for the ship almost instantaneously the Israelis attack the French and the British attack their goal was to trap the Egyptian Army in the Sinai destroy it and then Force Egypt to hand the sus Canal back to the Brits this should have been European SL Israeli military victory in

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