Do NOT buy QQQ 0dte puts to try to make up for your calls vanishing

    Posted by Apprehensive_Pick200


    1. Buying index puts during a historic bullrun is kind of dumb if it’s not a long-dated hedge to your calls….

    2. BuySlySellSlow on

      Damn, dude… You’re catching downside both ways. (Calls and puts) – Cathie Woods would be proud. 😉

    3. Diamondkingloud on

      Nahhh, you’re just hitting that 61.8% fibonnaci level… its just ya know, up to you

    4. RustySnoBall on

      Cooked? Brother you are being served as a 4 course meal with bankruptcy for dessert.

    5. Thick_Expression_796 on

      Like a brisket my friend good news you still got a few bucks to make the comeback of the century

    6. Sharp-Direction-6894 on

      Do parents no longer teach that outcomes are determined by choices? Make poor choices & receive poor outcomes.

      Are you cooked? Depends – what’s your next choice?

    7. I did the fuckin same thing. TSLA calls died Thursday so sold at a loss and brought puts because ‘correction is here’. Turned £5k to 1.8k in 2 days.

    8. Well, you better start looking for a job…

      Far too many gamblers these days think that they are an investors…

    9. For buying puts? Yeah.


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