Brumadinho bought the issues of ESG into sharp focus earlier this year. Over the past few years, ESG has been gaining importance in the minds of miners.

    According to a leading major, “five years ago, ESG was a passing mention on slide 25 of our corporate presentation; in 2019 it is the first five slides.”

    However, is the mining industry’s talk being turned into good practice? An increasing number of portfolio fund managers and PE firms are embedding ESG policy into their Investment processes – are they convinced?

    In this webinar, which took place on 31st July 2019, our expert panel discussed:

    – Why has ESG moved towards the top of mining CEOs in-tray?
    – Understanding ESG as a net-contributor to the business bottom line
    – Defining the material risks and opportunities that ESG issues present for the mining industry
    – What steps can be taken to win back public trust post Brumadinho? It wasn’t the first tailings management disaster (Samarco 2015) and it is unlikely to be the last
    – An update on the ICMM’s Tailings Governance Framework – key findings, recommendations and next steps
    – Guidelines for shaping an effect ESG framework, including process and reporting, aligning interests of shareholders
    – How are investors moving towards adopting a holistic ESG mind-set in their investment process
    – and more

    -Aidan Davy, COO, ICMM
    – Elaine Dorward-King, Executive Vice President, Sustainability and External Relations, Newmont
    – Adam Matthews, Director of Ethics and Engagement, Church of England Pensions Board
    – Matt Fifield, Managing Partner, Pacific Road Capital
    – Alexander Schay, Director of Research, Emerging Markets Investors Alliance
    – Andrew Thake, Head of Content, Mines and Money (Moderator)

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