Was it Worth it?


    Posted by MarcosMilla_YouTube


    1. ManyCommunications on

      Bro did all of that for $35k ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. smartish guy – did a small amount to see if it would get noticed before dropping the $5M bet

    3. Curious, how does one get caught doing this?

      Like we aren’t talking about tens of millions $ here. At what point do you get investigated, and who even initiates the investigation?

    4. ConversationFalse242 on

      How much did martha make? I have a feeling this is disproportionate

      I looked it up.

      Martha Stewart avoided a 45k loss through insider trading and served 5 months in a pay to stay prison

      Different rules

    5. IgnorantRecipient on

      $35k that we know about.

      Very few criminals get caught for their first/only offense.

    6. NewVanilla2251 on

      No one gonna talk about how this man was in an “ethics competition” 😂

    7. Worth_Transition5188 on

      He should have posted in this sub before, so be public information 😂

    8. brownhotdogwater on

      It says his friends made all the key and he got a bag of cash.

      The sec was breathing down one the friends necks for being too good and I bet ratted him out.

    9. BeastM0de1155 on

      He gave his 2 friends the tips of M&A and he received 35k in a lump sum of cash. That’s even worse

    10. gaius_worzels_bird on

      What a dumbass, 35k is nothing ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

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