Only 3 trillion? Thank god it’s not a big number 🤦‍♂️ Puts on Yellen

    Posted by According_Web_8907


    1. Optionzdegen on

      *Correction: Yellen needs $3T to pay her DC friends.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    2. Sunk cost fallacy. Mitigate what you can- don’t spend a penny on rising sea level mansions at risk.

    3. So many regards in here.

      Global GDP is $100 trillion a year.

      Spending 3% of that to transition the entire world economy from fossil fuels to clean energy is fuck all.

      The healthcare savings alone will pay for themselves given air pollution is the number 1 cause of disease and death worldwide.

      Then on top of that you have trillions of savings from reducing the amount of heat/energy in the atmosphere and the resulting extreme weather events.

      Then the trillions saved from not having to rebuild all our low lying coastal cities inland from the poles melting.

      And finally the cherry on the cake being able to tell the petro states like the Saudis and Russians to go fuck themselves forever.

      Btw China has been making this level of investment in clean energy and EVs for the last decade or so and now they’re kicking our ass in both areas. Are we really going to continue ceding both of these critical fields to them?

    4. All while China and India completely cancel it out. Dumbest shit I’ve heard. Build reactors if you’re serious.

    5. You gonna need more than that, the damage is irreversible and all your efforts will be useless when earth climate reaches a tipping point.

      You mother fuckers can kiss your yachts and beach mansions goodbye, you get what you fucking deserve.

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