Traded stock indexes, commodities, fx in the past, but individual names have been my best gambles.

    Really only started trading seriously in May (out of boredom purely). And TBH, it was a whole lot of luck, a bit of timing and zero DD.

    Already took out about 80K of gains over the last 2 months, otherwise I’d be at 500K+.

    Not going to post the 500+ trades, but the most memorable ones have been:

    1. CRM after last earnings.
    2. Iron condors on MU heading into earnings.
    3. ASTS this past Thursday which has been my largest gain (160K)
    4. BIDU calls (that cost me $100K and the main reason I was down nearly 50% earlier this month).
    5. CRWD puts after their glitch issue.

    Full disclosure: the vertical spike up around May was a check deposit of 35K (surprise bonus at work that I was not expecting).

    Also, not cashing any of it out. I plan to keep gambling with this account!

    Posted by ConfidentTie1529


    1. From $7K to $425K in YTD gains? That’s the kind of magic only WSB can deliver. Hats off to you, my fellow degenerate!

    2. What do you do for work where you get 35k check deposits as bonuses? Also, where can we apply? *Asking for a friend.*

    3. Bring_Me_Fortune on

      Beautifully done. If you’re doing iron condors I take it this is not your first go round. No more gambling.

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