I started trading straddles and spreads this past week, which helped. As did some random pops (CERE, BLUE, others.) Many others and always NVDA and SPY (these days.) I’m going to continue, but have dropped my allocations and position sizes on wildly speculative plays and options. Also, I’ve been buying shares with gains and never did increase position size.

    I am so grateful to you. I’ve learned so much and have so much fun from/with you. So much love and all the best!


    Posted by RevolutionaryPhoto24


    1. Seems a lot of post comes from this platform, which is it allowing regards to trade like that?

    2. NegotiationFuzzy4665 on

      Wait, someone making money because of WSB? How the hell did that happen?!

    3. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      Haha, clicked on a comment and got an ad for an Eames chair, haha, they think I’m stupid…spending money.

    4. Far-Requirement9180 on

      That looks like the heartbeat of my bipolar psycho ex lol .. congrats regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    5. JournalistMain7033 on

      Ain’t over until you sell and are out. Can start crashing at any moment

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