Bought these when pfe was trading at 29.7 earlier this week (closed 30.77 Friday) was up double on Friday but my initial plan was to ride this out as an earnings play, so I'm waiting for their earnings on Tuesday. I believe their share price has bottomed out recently and started to finally pick up pace and momentum. I am hoping they release more positive news on their weight loss drug and also crush the eps and revenue estimates this earnings release.

    Posted by Hamzabloxer


    1. For additional context I bought prior to ex-dividend which slashed 40 cents off the sp

    2. planethempnaarea on

      Hello OP – I am in the same play at strikes $30 and $31 – hoping for a good Monday and then for positive earnings. GL to us. I guess the average move is not much but since we are at the money or even a bit ITM we should be good. Cheering for a good Monday!

    3. light-yagamii on

      Nice. I bought 20 $30c calls expiring August 2 last month and sold at small loss cause I wasn’t patient. I would have been up 400% if I held 🤡

    4. Holding 1/17/25 $37.50C

      Expecting huge volume with strong earnings and strong future forecast.

    5. OfficialBJones90 on

      I’d at least sell 15 so you start with your original amount you put in on these and let the rest ride since it’s house money for the position.

    6. RevolutionaryPhoto24 on

      (I hold shares, definitely think it was undervalued the past year, and DCA’d in.)

    7. Better off buying puts on anything else atm. People like healthcare stocks when the market gets turbulent, and we’ll see what next week brings.

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