Wife is an officer, and we will be PCSing in a few months for her CCC. It is being labeled as a PCS even though we will only be there for 6 months, and was unsure on the best route for finding a place to stay. Do we just look for apartments that offer a 6 month lease? Or should we do a 12 month lease and cut the lease short because we will have orders for the next PCS. Not sure if that was possible or worth the trouble with the prices for rent in a 6 month vs 12 month lease. Thanks for any help!

    Housing question on a 6 month PCS
    byu/Vegetable_Gur8753 inMilitaryFinance

    Posted by Vegetable_Gur8753

    1 Comment

    1. Get a 12 month. Most places don’t do 6 or month-to-month (And you are fully within your right to do so, as there is the chance you could get extended for reasons outside your control).
      Once you have orders leaving the area, send them to the rental agent about 35-45 days prior to leaving.

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